Windows 10 Started Showing Ads on LockScreen — Here's How to Turn It OFF
Feb 26, 2016
If you've upgraded your older version of Windows OS to an all new Windows 10 operating system then you may have noticed an advertisement appearing on your desktop or laptop's lock screen over the past couple of days. Yes, this is what Microsoft has chosen to generate revenue after offering Free Windows 10 Download to its users: Monetize the Lock Screen . Thanks to Windows 10's new Spotlight feature that usually shows you clean and beautiful photographs and fun facts on your lock screen, but now started displaying advertisements to over 200 Million devices running Windows 10. Some Windows 10 users have reported seeing ads for Rise of the Tomb Raider with links to Windows Store from where users can purchase the video game. Microsoft started selling the game last month. Although the ads are not as annoying as the Windows 10 privacy concerns related to the way Microsoft collects your personal data , the good news is that you can turn the ads OFF. Must...