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Category — Ultrafast Computers
N3XT — Advanced CHIP that Could Make Your Computer 1000 Times Faster

N3XT — Advanced CHIP that Could Make Your Computer 1000 Times Faster

Dec 16, 2015
Researchers have come up with an all new way to revolutionize the standard computer chip that comes inbuilt in all our electronics. Researchers from Carnegie Mellon , Stanford , and t he University of California , Berkeley among others, have invented a new material that could replace the 'silicon' in conventional chips – built in all electronic devices – making the device's processing  speed 1,000 times faster . This means that the new chip made with nano-material could solve complex problems in a fraction of the time our computers take. The brand new chip, dubbed Nano-Engineered Computing Systems Technology (N3XT) , takes the landscape from a resource-heavy single-storey layout to an efficient ' Skyscraper ' approach, claims a Rebooting Computing special issue of the IEEE Computer journal. Silicon Chip – A Resource-Heavy Single-Storey Layout The standard silicon chips currently used in all electronic devices have one major issue: The ...
Entangled Photons on Silicon Chip: Secure Communications & Ultrafast Computers

Entangled Photons on Silicon Chip: Secure Communications & Ultrafast Computers

Jan 27, 2015
With the rise in technology, the need of ultrafast quantum computer has also increased that can work on huge numbers and calculations at the same time. Quantum technology has long been a scientific dream, but now it is a step closer to becoming a reality after a team of scientists has figured out a way for a standard silicon chip to tackle quantum entanglement. Entanglement — a phenomenon in which multiple particles are connected to each other and act in uniform no matter their distance apart — is the key ingredient that promises to make ultrafast quantum computers and secure communications ( encryption ) far more powerful than conventional computing devices. The new research, detailed in The Optical Society's (OSA's) new high-impact journal Optica, describes how a multinational collaboration of boffins, for the first time, have created a new Micro-Ring Resonator that can generate a continuous supply of entangled photons; photons are essentially the particles that mak...
Protecting Your Software Supply Chain: Assessing the Risks Before Deployment

Protecting Your Software Supply Chain: Assessing the Risks Before Deployment

Feb 11, 2025Software Security / Threat Intelligence
Imagine you're considering a new car for your family. Before making a purchase, you evaluate its safety ratings, fuel efficiency, and reliability. You might even take it for a test drive to ensure it meets your needs. The same approach should be applied to software and hardware products before integrating them into an organization's environment. Just as you wouldn't buy a car without knowing its safety features, you shouldn't deploy software without understanding the risks it introduces. The Rising Threat of Supply Chain Attacks Cybercriminals have recognized that instead of attacking an organization head-on, they can infiltrate through the software supply chain—like slipping counterfeit parts into an assembly line. According to the 2024 Sonatype State of the Software Supply Chain report , attackers are infiltrating open-source ecosystems at an alarming rate, with over 512,847 malicious packages detected last year alone—a 156% increase from the previous year. Traditional sec...
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