Meet the NSA's Best Friend in Spying On The Internet
Aug 20, 2015
Fed up with the NSA-Snowden updates ? Wait a second...there's some more! Back in May 2013, when former NSA employee Edward Snowden leaked classified documents from the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA), we doubted the relationship between NSA and telecommunications giant AT&T. But, now their relationship has been revealed – NSA and AT&T are Best Friends . Yes, that's right, as recent revelations say that how desperately NSA relied on AT&T for its vast spying operations in the United States. NSA–AT&T's 30-Years-Old Friendship AT&T provided telecommunication interception facility to the United States' National Security Agency (NSA), and since 1985 they have been working hand in hand . AT&T cooperated in provided technical assistance in a manner that followed a secret court order which permitted the wiretapping of all Internet communications at the United Nations headquarters (also a customer of AT&T). Acc