Lockpickers 3D-Printed Master Key for TSA Luggage Locks and BluePrint Leaked Online
Sep 11, 2015
Here're a good news and bad news for you. The good news is that if you lose the keys for your TSA-compliant "Travel Sentry" luggage locks then you can just 3D print your very own TSA master keys. The bad news is that anyone can now 3D print their own master keys to open your bags. Yes, the security of 300 Million TSA-approved Travel Sentry luggage locks has been compromised , and now anyone with a 3D printer can unlock every single TSA-approved padlocks. Thanks to a security blunder by the American government agency. A security researcher with online moniker " Xyl2k " published the 3D printing files for a range of master keys with blueprints to GitHub , allowing anyone to 3D print his or her own copies of TSA-approved locks—the ones the authorities can unlock with their keys during airport inspections. How did the Researcher get the Print? A story about the " Secret Life " of Baggage in the hands of the US Transportation Securi