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Category — Supply Chain Security
PyPI Introduces Archival Status to Alert Users About Unmaintained Python Packages

PyPI Introduces Archival Status to Alert Users About Unmaintained Python Packages

Feb 03, 2025 Open Source / Software Security
The maintainers of the Python Package Index (PyPI) registry have announced a new feature that allows package developers to archive a project as part of efforts to improve supply chain security . "Maintainers can now archive a project to let users know that the project is not expected to receive any more updates," Facundo Tuesca, senior engineer at Trail of Bits, said . In doing so, the idea is to clearly signal to developers that the Python libraries are no longer being actively maintained and that no future security fixes or product updates should be expected. That said, projects labeled as archived will continue to remain available on PyPI and users can continue to install it without any issues. In a separate blog post detailing the feature, Tuesca said the maintainers are considering additional maintainer-controlled statuses to better communicate a project's status to downstream consumers. PyPI also recommends that package developers release a final version pr...
OAuth Redirect Flaw in Airline Travel Integration Exposes Millions to Account Hijacking

OAuth Redirect Flaw in Airline Travel Integration Exposes Millions to Account Hijacking

Jan 28, 2025
Cybersecurity researchers have disclosed details of a now-patched account takeover vulnerability affecting a popular online travel service for hotel and car rentals. "By exploiting this flaw, attackers can gain unauthorized access to any user's account within the system, effectively allowing them to impersonate the victim and perform an array of actions on their behalf – including booking hotels and car rentals using the victim's airline loyalty points, canceling or editing booking information, and more," API security firm Salt Labs said in a report shared with The Hacker News. Successful exploitation of the vulnerability could have put millions of online airline users at risk, it added. The name of the company was not disclosed, but it said the service is integrated into "dozens of commercial airline online services" and enables users to add hotel bookings to their airline itinerary. The shortcoming, in a nutshell, can be weaponized trivially by sending a...
What Is Attack Surface Management?

What Is Attack Surface Management?

Feb 03, 2025Attack Surface Management
Attack surfaces are growing faster than security teams can keep up – to stay ahead, you need to know what's exposed and where attackers are most likely to strike. With cloud adoption dramatically increasing the ease of exposing new systems and services to the internet, prioritizing threats and managing your attack surface from an attacker's perspective has never been more important. In this guide, we look at why attack surfaces are growing and how to monitor and manage them properly with  tools like Intruder . Let's dive in. What is your attack surface? First, it's important to understand what we mean when we talk about an attack surface. An attack surface is the sum of your digital assets that are 'reachable' by an attacker – whether they are secure or vulnerable, known or unknown, in active use or not. You can also have both internal and external attack surfaces - imagine for example a malicious email attachment landing in a colleague's inbox, vs a new FTP server being...
Meta's Llama Framework Flaw Exposes AI Systems to Remote Code Execution Risks

Meta's Llama Framework Flaw Exposes AI Systems to Remote Code Execution Risks

Jan 26, 2025 AI Security / Vulnerability
A high-severity security flaw has been disclosed in Meta's Llama large language model (LLM) framework that, if successfully exploited, could allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code on the llama-stack inference server.  The vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2024-50050 , has been assigned a CVSS score of 6.3 out of 10.0. Supply chain security firm Snyk, on the other hand, has assigned it a critical severity rating of 9.3. "Affected versions of meta-llama are vulnerable to deserialization of untrusted data, meaning that an attacker can execute arbitrary code by sending malicious data that is deserialized," Oligo Security researcher Avi Lumelsky said in an analysis earlier this week. The shortcoming, per the cloud security company, resides in a component called Llama Stack , which defines a set of API interfaces for artificial intelligence (AI) application development, including using Meta's own Llama models. Specifically, it has to do with a remote code execution ...
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Practical, Tactical Guide to Securing AI in the Enterprise

websiteTinesEnterprise Security / AI Security
Supercharge your organization's AI adoption strategy, and go from complex challenges to secure success.
Palo Alto Firewalls Found Vulnerable to Secure Boot Bypass and Firmware Exploits

Palo Alto Firewalls Found Vulnerable to Secure Boot Bypass and Firmware Exploits

Jan 23, 2025 Firmware Security / Vulnerability
An exhaustive evaluation of three firewall models from Palo Alto Networks has uncovered a host of known security flaws impacting the devices' firmware as well as misconfigured security features. "These weren't obscure, corner-case vulnerabilities," security vendor Eclypsium said in a report shared with The Hacker News. "Instead these were very well-known issues that we wouldn't expect to see even on a consumer-grade laptop. These issues could allow attackers to evade even the most basic integrity protections, such as Secure Boot, and modify device firmware if exploited." The company said it analyzed three firewall appliances from Palo Alto Networks, PA-3260, PA-1410, and PA-415, the first of which officially reached end-of-sale on August 31, 2023. The other two models are fully supported firewall platforms. The list of identified flaws, collectively named PANdora's Box , is as follows - CVE-2020-10713 aka BootHole (Affects PA-3260, PA-14...
Cybercriminals Target Ethereum Developers with Fake Hardhat npm Packages

Cybercriminals Target Ethereum Developers with Fake Hardhat npm Packages

Jan 06, 2025 Blockchain / Malware
Cybersecurity researchers have revealed several malicious packages on the npm registry that have been found impersonating the Nomic Foundation's Hardhat tool in order to steal sensitive data from developer systems. "By exploiting trust in open source plugins, attackers have infiltrated these platforms through malicious npm packages, exfiltrating critical data such as private keys, mnemonics, and configuration details," the Socket research team said in an analysis. Hardhat is a development environment for Ethereum software, incorporating various components for editing, compiling, debugging and deploying smart contracts and decentralized apps (dApps). The list of identified counterfeit packages is as follows - nomicsfoundations @nomisfoundation/hardhat-configure installedpackagepublish @nomisfoundation/hardhat-config @monicfoundation/hardhat-config @nomicsfoundation/sdk-test @nomicsfoundation/hardhat-config @nomicsfoundation/web3-sdk @nomicsfoundation/sdk-...
Top 10 Cybersecurity Trends to Expect in 2025

Top 10 Cybersecurity Trends to Expect in 2025

Dec 23, 2024 Cybersecurity / Threat Intelligence
The 2025 cybersecurity landscape is increasingly complex, driven by sophisticated cyber threats, increased regulation, and rapidly evolving technology. In 2025, organizations will be challenged with protecting sensitive information for their customers while continuing to provide seamless and easy user experiences. Here's a closer look at ten emerging challenges and threats set to shape the coming year. 1. AI as a weapon for attackers The dual-use nature of AI has created a great deal of risk to organizations as cybercriminals increasingly harness the power of AI to perpetrate highly sophisticated attacks. AI-powered malware can change its behavior in real-time. This means it can evade traditional methods of detection and find and exploit vulnerabilities with uncanny precision. Automated reconnaissance tools let attackers compile granular intelligence about systems, employees, and defenses of a target at unprecedented scale and speed. AI use also reduces the planning time for a...
Thousands Download Malicious npm Libraries Impersonating Legitimate Tools

Thousands Download Malicious npm Libraries Impersonating Legitimate Tools

Dec 19, 2024 Supply Chain / Software Security
Threat actors have been observed uploading malicious typosquats of legitimate npm packages such as typescript-eslint and @types/node that have racked up thousands of downloads on the package registry. The counterfeit versions, named @typescript_eslinter/eslint and types-node , are engineered to download a trojan and retrieve second-stage payloads, respectively. "While typosquatting attacks are hardly new, the effort spent by nefarious actors on these two libraries to pass them off as legitimate is noteworthy," Sonatype's Ax Sharma said in an analysis published Wednesday. "Furthermore, the high download counts for packages like "types-node" are signs that point to both some developers possibly falling for these typosquats, and threat actors artificially inflating these counts to boost the trustworthiness of their malicious components." The npm listing for @typescript_eslinter/eslint, Sonatype's analysis revealed, points to a phony GitHub repo...
Not Your Old ActiveState: Introducing our End-to-End OS Platform

Not Your Old ActiveState: Introducing our End-to-End OS Platform

Dec 18, 2024 Software Security / DevSecOps
Having been at ActiveState for nearly eight years, I've seen many iterations of our product. However, one thing has stayed true over the years: Our commitment to the open source community and companies using open source in their code. ActiveState has been helping enterprises manage open source for over a decade. In the early days, open source was in its infancy. We focused mainly on the developer case, helping to get open source on platforms like Windows. Over time, our focus shifted from helping companies run open source to supporting enterprises managing open source when the community wasn't producing it in the way they needed it. We began managing builds at scale, and supporting enterprises in understanding what open source they're using and if it's compliant and safe. Managing open source at scale in a large organization can be complex. To help companies overcome this and bring structure to their open source DevSecOps practice, we're unveiling our end-to-end platform to help m...
Protecting Tomorrow's World: Shaping the Cyber-Physical Future

Protecting Tomorrow's World: Shaping the Cyber-Physical Future

Nov 29, 2024 Enterprise Security / Cloud Computing
The lines between digital and physical realms increasingly blur. While this opens countless opportunities for businesses, it also brings numerous challenges. In our recent webinar, Shaping the Cyber-Physical Future: Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities for 2025 , we explored the different factors shaping the cyber-physical future. In an insightful conversation with industry experts, we discussed the most pressing security concerns of today and how to address them. Allison J. Taylor, the founder and CEO of Thought Marketing LLC, unveiled trends and recommended strategies businesses can employ to proactively bolster their security amidst evolving cyber challenges. Cesar Salazar, COO of Claro Enterprise Solutions, delved into innovative solutions that could propel business tech forward. He emphasized cyber-physical convergence, the use of emerging technologies, and responsive security operations. Below are the key takeaways from the webinar. These provide an overview of why businesses...
SAP AI Core Vulnerabilities Expose Customer Data to Cyber Attacks

SAP AI Core Vulnerabilities Expose Customer Data to Cyber Attacks

Jul 18, 2024 Cloud Security / Enterprise Security
Cybersecurity researchers have uncovered security shortcomings in SAP AI Core cloud-based platform for creating and deploying predictive artificial intelligence (AI) workflows that could be exploited to get hold of access tokens and customer data. The five vulnerabilities have been collectively dubbed SAPwned by cloud security firm Wiz. "The vulnerabilities we found could have allowed attackers to access customers' data and contaminate internal artifacts – spreading to related services and other customers' environments," security researcher Hillai Ben-Sasson said in a report shared with The Hacker News. Following responsible disclosure on January 25, 2024, the weaknesses were addressed by SAP as of May 15, 2024. In a nutshell, the flaws make it possible to obtain unauthorized access to customers' private artifacts and credentials to cloud environments like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and SAP HANA Cloud. They could also be used to modify D...
Practical Guidance For Securing Your Software Supply Chain

Practical Guidance For Securing Your Software Supply Chain

Jun 26, 2024 DevSecOps / Risk Management
The heightened regulatory and legal pressure on software-producing organizations to secure their supply chains and ensure the integrity of their software should come as no surprise. In the last several years, the software supply chain has become an increasingly attractive target for attackers who see opportunities to force-multiply their attacks by orders of magnitude. For example, look no further than 2021's Log4j breach, where Log4j (an open-source logging framework maintained by Apache and used in a myriad of different applications) was the root of exploits that put thousands of systems at risk.  Log4j's communication functionality was vulnerable and thus provided an opening for an attacker to inject malicious code into the logs which could then be executed on the system. After its discovery, security researchers saw millions of attempted exploits, many of which turned into successful denial-of-service (DoS) attacks. According to some of the latest research by Gartner, close t...
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