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Category — Steganography
Hacking Millions with Just an Image — Recipe: Pixels, Ads & Exploit Kit

Hacking Millions with Just an Image — Recipe: Pixels, Ads & Exploit Kit

Dec 07, 2016
If you have visited any popular mainstream website over the past two months, your computer may have been infected — Thanks to a new exploit kit discovered by security researchers. Researchers from antivirus provider ESET released a report on Tuesday stating that they have discovered an exploit kit, dubbed Stegano , hiding malicious code in the pixels of banner advertisements that are currently in rotation on several high profile news websites. Stegano originally dates back to 2014, but since early October this year, cyber crooks had managed to get the malicious ads displayed on a variety of unnamed reputable news websites, each with Millions of daily visitors. Stegano derived from the word Steganography , which is a technique of hiding messages and content inside a digital graphic image, making the content impossible to spot with the naked eye. In this particular malvertising campaign, operators hide malicious code inside transparent PNG image's Alpha Channel, which def...
How to Hack a Computer Using Just An Image

How to Hack a Computer Using Just An Image

Jun 01, 2015
Next time when someone sends you a photo of a cute cat or a hot chick than be careful before you click on the image to view — it might hack your machine. Yes, the normal looking images could hack your computers — thanks to a technique discovered by security researcher Saumil Shah from India. Dubbed " Stegosploit ," the technique lets hackers hide malicious code inside the pixels of an image, hiding a malware exploit in plain sight to infect target victims. Just look at the image and you are HACKED! Shah demonstrated the technique during a talk titled , " Stegosploit: Hacking With Pictures, " he gave on Thursday at the Amsterdam hacking conference Hack In The Box. According to Shah, "a good exploit is one that is delivered in style." Keeping this in mind, Shah discovered a way to hide malicious code directly into an image, rather than hiding it in email attachments, PDFs or other types of files that are typically used to deliver...
Watch Out For These 8 Cloud Security Shifts in 2025

Watch Out For These 8 Cloud Security Shifts in 2025

Feb 04, 2025Threat Detection / Cloud Security
As cloud security evolves in 2025 and beyond, organizations must adapt to both new and evolving realities, including the increasing reliance on cloud infrastructure for AI-driven workflows and the vast quantities of data being migrated to the cloud. But there are other developments that could impact your organizations and drive the need for an even more robust security strategy. Let's take a look… #1: Increased Threat Landscape Encourages Market Consolidation Cyberattacks targeting cloud environments are becoming more sophisticated, emphasizing the need for security solutions that go beyond detection. Organizations will need proactive defense mechanisms to prevent risks from reaching production. Because of this need, the market will favor vendors offering comprehensive, end-to-end security platforms that streamline risk mitigation and enhance operational efficiency. #2: Cloud Security Unifies with SOC Priorities Security operations centers (SOC) and cloud security functions are c...
NSA & CIA Analysts Watching Porn, A Lot of Porn, More Than You Could Ever

NSA & CIA Analysts Watching Porn, A Lot of Porn, More Than You Could Ever

Apr 06, 2015
U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) is infamous for conducting Global Mass Surveillance to snoop secretly on users' online communications, phone calls, private instant messages, and personal emails, but there is something shocking about it. The Security Agency also asked its employees to watch Porn -- Yes! Porn and a lot of Porn. The Analysts and Terrorism experts employed by U.S. Intelligence Agencies including the NSA and the CIA ( Central Intelligence Agency ) are tasked to watch graphic videos all day long. According to the recent report by Daily Beast , the Graphic video contents containing ISIS prisoner beheading, attacks on U.S. military forces, and sometimes sexual abuse of children are gathered from the computers and smartphones of captured or killed terrorists, and from websites frequented visited by jihadists. WHY NSA IS WATCHING PORN? Islamic State (Isis) and Al-Qaeda terrorists are using Reddit, eBay and pornography to send coded messages to thei...
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Webinar: 5 Ways New AI Agents Can Automate Identity Attacks | Register Now

websitePush SecurityAI Agents / Identity Security
Watch how Computer-Using Agents can be used by attackers to automate account takeover and exploitation.
Megaupload files deleted by Dutch hosting company LeaseWeb

Megaupload files deleted by Dutch hosting company LeaseWeb

Jun 20, 2013
Kim Dotcom today said on Twitter that Megaupload user data in Europe has been irreversibly lost because it was deleted by a Dutch hosting company called LeaseWeb.  LeaseWeb is based in Germany and has subsidiaries also in the United States, the company.  LeaseWeb has 60,000 servers under its management and more than 15,000 clients worldwide. " The greatest massacre data of history ", The news is shocking if we consider the wealth of information contained in the files.  Leaseweb has informed Kim Dotcom that all 630 servers they rented have been wiped clean. This means that petabytes of data belonging to Megaupload users is now gone without any notice. LeaseWeb responds to Kim Dotcom " When Megaupload was taken offline, 60 servers owned by MegaUpload were directly confiscated by the FIOD and transported to the US. Next to that, MegaUpload still had 630 rented dedicated servers with LeaseWeb. For clarity, these servers were not owned by MegaUpload, t...
SkypeHide to Send secret messages into silence of Skype Calls

SkypeHide to Send secret messages into silence of Skype Calls

Jan 07, 2013
Polish Researchers have discovered a clever way to send secret messages during a phone call on Skype. We know that, by default skype calls use 256-bit advanced encryption, but researchers find that is not enough. So they find out this new way to communicate messages more secretly by using silence. Mazurczyk, Maciej Karaś and Krzysztof Szczypiorski analysed Skype data traffic during calls and discovered that there is a way in Skype silence, where rather than sending no data between spoken words, Skype sends 70-bit-long data packets instead of the 130-bit ones that carry speech. So by taking advantage of this they hijacks these silence packets and then inject encrypted message data into some of them. The Skype receiver on other end will always simply ignores the secret-message data, but it can be decoded back to receive that secret message. Team decide to present this at Steganography conference  by creating a POC tool called SkypeHide that will be able to hi...
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