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Category — Snapchat
Snapchat Hack — Hacker Leaked Snapchat Source Code On GitHub

Snapchat Hack — Hacker Leaked Snapchat Source Code On GitHub

Aug 08, 2018
The source code of the popular social media app Snapchat was recently surfaced online after a hacker leaked and posted it on the Microsoft-owned code repository GitHub. A GitHub account under the name Khaled Alshehri with the handle i5xx , who claimed to be from Pakistan, created a GitHub repository called Source-Snapchat with a description " Source Code for SnapChat ," publishing the code of what purported to be Snapchat's iOS app. The underlying code could potentially expose the company's extremely confidential information, like the entire design of the hugely-successful messaging app, how the app works and what future features are planned for the app. Snapchat's parent company, Snap Inc., responded to the leak by filing a copyright act request under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), helping it takedown the online repository hosting the Snapchat code. SnapChat Hack: Github Took Down Repository After DMCA Notice Though it is not clear...
Twitter Launches Digits  –  A Password Free Login Service For App Developers

Twitter Launches Digits – A Password Free Login Service For App Developers

Oct 25, 2014
There's a good news for app developers. On Wednesday at Twitter's first annual developer conference Flight, the company announced a new tool for developers which will allow users to log-in to mobile applications using their phone numbers rather than a traditional username and password combinations. SAY NO TO PASSWORD The service will be called Digits, aimed at application developers looking for an easier, password-free login option for their mobile applications  – in a similar way to Snapchat , WhatsApp and Viber that rely only on verified users' mobile numbers for sign-in, rather than the traditional ID and password combination. " This is an entirely new native mobile sign up service that makes mobile-first sign-up frictionless, and creates an identity relationship entirely between you and your users ," said Twitter CEO Dick Costolo, speaking at the Twitter Flight developer conference in San Francisco. DEVELOPERS DON'T TRUST TWITTER On one hand, where o...
What Is Attack Surface Management?

What Is Attack Surface Management?

Feb 03, 2025Attack Surface Management
Attack surfaces are growing faster than security teams can keep up – to stay ahead, you need to know what's exposed and where attackers are most likely to strike. With cloud adoption dramatically increasing the ease of exposing new systems and services to the internet, prioritizing threats and managing your attack surface from an attacker's perspective has never been more important. In this guide, we look at why attack surfaces are growing and how to monitor and manage them properly with  tools like Intruder . Let's dive in. What is your attack surface? First, it's important to understand what we mean when we talk about an attack surface. An attack surface is the sum of your digital assets that are 'reachable' by an attacker – whether they are secure or vulnerable, known or unknown, in active use or not. You can also have both internal and external attack surfaces - imagine for example a malicious email attachment landing in a colleague's inbox, vs a new FTP server being...
Snapchat user accounts vulnerable to Brute-Force Attack

Snapchat user accounts vulnerable to Brute-Force Attack

Feb 11, 2014
Snapchat , a Smartphone application that lets users share snapshots with friends is catching fire among teenagers. It was first hacked in December when 4.6 million Snapchat users were exposed in a database breach. Later, the denial-of-service attack and CAPTCHA Security bypass were discovered by other researchers within last two-three weeks. Snapchat has no Vulnerability Reward Program, but still many penetration testers are working hard and free of cost to make the application more secure by disclosing flaws. Interestingly, this is not the end of vulnerabilities, Mohamed Ramadan , a security researcher with Attack-Secure from Egypt, has spotted a new vulnerability on Snapchat that allow an attacker to brute-force login credentials of the users. Brute-force is a process of trying multiple passwords against a username until you get a correct password. " This vulnerability allows anyone who knows your SnapChat email to brute force your account's password without any...
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Snapchat app vulnerable to denial-of-service attack, allows remotely crash iPhone

Snapchat app vulnerable to denial-of-service attack, allows remotely crash iPhone

Feb 08, 2014
SNAPCHAT , photo sharing app is the majority choice for variety of users. Recently, the company has faced data breach and Captcha bypass vulnerability, and just yesterday a new denial-of-service attack has been revealed which can crash an iPhone . Jamie Sanchez , a security researcher has found the app vulnerable, which can enable a hacker to launch a denial-of-service attacks , resulting prompt the user to reset the mobile device. The flaw into the Snapchat app allows someone to flood a user with thousands of messages in a measure of seconds, " By reusing old tokens, hackers can send massive amounts of messages using powerful computers. This method could be used by spammers to send messages in mass quantities to numerous users, or it could be used to launch a cyber attack on specific individuals " he said. He demonstrated the vulnerability to LA Times reporter, bombarded his handset with thousands of messages within five seconds in a denial-of-service ...
Snapchat's new Security feature Hacked in 30 Minutes; CAPTCHA Cracking tool published

Snapchat's new Security feature Hacked in 30 Minutes; CAPTCHA Cracking tool published

Jan 25, 2014
Snapchat suffered a massive data breach back in December in which 4.6 million usernames and phone numbers were compromised. Earlier this month, the company launched an update to its iOS and Android apps, added a new security measure to ensure that new users aren't spambots or a robot. While signing up for the first time, it now displays nine images and then ask you to pick which images have a " ghost ". Within 24 hours of Snapchat releasing an improved security feature, a developer has written a computer program capable of cracking it. Another hacker, ' Steven Hickson ' took only 30 minutes to write a script that can crack this new security feature. In this CAPTCHA feature, basically have you choose from amongst a bunch of images, identifying the ones that have the Snapchat ghost to prove you are a person. " The problem with this is that the Snapchat ghost is very particular. You could even call it a template. For those of you familiar with template m...
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