Forcing Self-Service Password Reset (SSPR) Registration to Increase ROI
Mar 25, 2021
When your organization invests in a new product or service, it is essential that you take advantage of all the features it has to offer. This will help you to maximize your return on investment (ROI). If you have purchased or are thinking about purchasing a self-service password reset (SSPR) tool, one of the most important things you will need to do is make sure that 100% of users are registered to use it. If you leave user enrollment optional, many people will delay registration, or decide not to use it at all. This often happens because people think that they will not ever be locked out of their account, or that it is fast and easy to contact the help desk if they do. While your help desk may be able to provide great support to your users, it comes at a significant cost. According to one study from Forrester Research, every password reset that the help desk performs costs approximately $70 . With that price, it is easy to see that every user who isn't enrolled in uReset is a majo