This $10 Device Can Guess and Steal Your Next Credit Card Number before You've Received It
Nov 25, 2015
Imagine you have lost your credit card and applied for a fresh credit card from your bank. What if some criminal is using your new credit card before you have even received it? Yes, it's possible at least with this $10 device. Hardware hacker Samy Kamkar has built a $10 device that can predict and store hundreds of American Express credit card numbers, allowing anyone to use them for wireless payment transactions, even at non-wireless terminals. The device, dubbed MagSpoof , guesses the next credit card numbers and new expiration dates based on a cancelled credit card's number and when the replacement card was requested respectively. This process does not require the three or four-digit CVV numbers that are printed on the back side of the credit cards. Also Read: How Hackers Can Hack Your Chip-and-PIN Credit Cards The tiny gadget would be a dream of any card fraudster who can pilfer cash from the stolen credit cards even after they have been blocked