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SSL Certificates | Breaking Cybersecurity News | The Hacker News

Category — SSL Certificates
Simplifying SSH keys and SSL Certs Management across the Enterprise using Key Manager Plus

Simplifying SSH keys and SSL Certs Management across the Enterprise using Key Manager Plus

Nov 02, 2016
With rapidly growing web-based services and widely expanding locations, organizations are using more and more SSL certificates as well as SSH keys than ever. From authentication, confidentiality, and integrity to preventing the organization from industrial espionage, SSL certificates play an important role. Managing SSL certificates across networks to ensure protection and prevent unanticipated failures is critical, and it also becomes complicated with multiple locations, divisions as well as the fastest growing use of external cloud-based services. This not only complicates the process of managing individual SSL certificate and SSH key for an administrator but also costs organizations heavily. A key solution for this issue is to use an advanced and efficient SSL certificate and SSH Key management system. An effective solution enables an organization to know what kinds of certificates and keys it has, simplifies certificate discovery and monitor across multiple vendors, an...
Let’s Encrypt  — A Certificate Authority to Provide Free SSL Certificates for Entire Web

Let's Encrypt — A Certificate Authority to Provide Free SSL Certificates for Entire Web

Nov 19, 2014
As days are passing, encryptio n is becoming a need for every user sitting online. Many tech giants including Google, Apple and Yahoo! are adopting encryption to serve its users security and privacy at its best, but according to Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) , the high-tech Web security should not be limited to the wealthiest technology firms. The non-profit foundation EFF has partnered with big and reputed companies including Mozilla, Cisco, and Akamai to offer free HTTPS/SSL certificates for those running servers on the internet at the beginning of 2015, in order to encourage people to encrypt users' connections to their websites. Until now, switching web server over to HTTPS from HTTP is something of a hassle and expense for website operators and notoriously hard to install and maintain it. But, after the launch of this new free certificate authority (CA), called Let's Encrypt , it will be even more easy for people to run encrypted, secure HTTPS websites. ...
Watch Out For These 8 Cloud Security Shifts in 2025

Watch Out For These 8 Cloud Security Shifts in 2025

Feb 04, 2025Threat Detection / Cloud Security
As cloud security evolves in 2025 and beyond, organizations must adapt to both new and evolving realities, including the increasing reliance on cloud infrastructure for AI-driven workflows and the vast quantities of data being migrated to the cloud. But there are other developments that could impact your organizations and drive the need for an even more robust security strategy. Let's take a look… #1: Increased Threat Landscape Encourages Market Consolidation Cyberattacks targeting cloud environments are becoming more sophisticated, emphasizing the need for security solutions that go beyond detection. Organizations will need proactive defense mechanisms to prevent risks from reaching production. Because of this need, the market will favor vendors offering comprehensive, end-to-end security platforms that streamline risk mitigation and enhance operational efficiency. #2: Cloud Security Unifies with SOC Priorities Security operations centers (SOC) and cloud security functions are c...
Gmail App for iOS leaves Users vulnerable to Man-in-the-Middle Attacks

Gmail App for iOS leaves Users vulnerable to Man-in-the-Middle Attacks

Jul 12, 2014
Google has failed to provide a very important security measure in its Gmail application for iOS that left millions of its Apple device users to Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attacks capable of monitoring encrypted email communications. Researcher at mobile security firm Lacoon has discovered that Google's Gmail iOS application, run on Macintosh mobile devices, does not perform what's known as "certificate pinning" when establishing a trusted connection between the mobile applications and back-end web services, which means an attacker can view plaintext emails and steal credentials in MitM attack. WHAT IS CERTIFICATE PINNING Certificate Pinning is a process designed to prevent user of the application from being a victim of an attack made by spoofing the SSL certificate . Certificate pinning automatically rejects the whole connection from sites that offer bogus SSL certificates and allow only SSL connections to hosts signed with certificates stored inside the application, whic...
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Microsoft issues Emergency Windows Update to Block Fake SSL Certificates

Microsoft issues Emergency Windows Update to Block Fake SSL Certificates

Jul 11, 2014
Today, Microsoft has issued an emergency update for almost all versions of Windows and also for Microsoft devices running Windows Phone 8 and 8.1 to secure users from attacks that abuse the latest issued rogue SSL certificates, which could be used to impersonate Google and Yahoo! websites. A week after the search engine giant Google spotted and blocked unauthorized digital certificates for a number of its domains that could result in a potentially serious security and privacy threat, Microsoft has responded back to block the bogus certificates from being used on its software as well. " Today, we are updating the Certificate Trust List (CTL) for all supported releases of Microsoft Windows to remove the trust of mis-issued third-party digital certificates, " said Dustin Childs, group manager of response communications. The fake digital certificates , issued by the National Informatics Centre (NIC) of India - a unit of India's Ministry of Communications and Infor...
Google catches Indian Government Agency with Fake Digital Certificates

Google catches Indian Government Agency with Fake Digital Certificates

Jul 09, 2014
Google has identified and blocked unauthorized digital certificates for a number of its domains issued by the National Informatics Centre (NIC) of India, a unit of India's Ministry of Communications and Information Technology. National Informatics Center (NIC) holds several intermediate Certification Authority (CA) certs trusted by the Indian government's top CA, Indian Controller of Certifying Authorities (India CCA), which are included in the Microsoft Root Store and so are trusted by a large number of applications running on Windows, including Internet Explorer and Chrome. The use of rogue digital certificates could result in a potentially serious security and privacy threat that could allow an attacker to spy on an encrypted communication between a user's device and a secure HTTPS website, which is thought to be secure. Google became aware of the fake certificates last Wednesday on July 2 and within 24 hours, the Indian Controller of Certifying Authorities (Ind...
Fake Digital Certificates Found in the Wild While Observing Facebook SSL Connections

Fake Digital Certificates Found in the Wild While Observing Facebook SSL Connections

May 12, 2014
Visiting a website certified with an SSL certificate doesn't mean that the website is not bogus. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protect the web users in two ways, it uses public key encryption to encrypt sensitive information between a user's computer and a website, such as usernames, passwords, or credit card numbers and also verify the identity of websites. Today hackers and cyber criminals are using every tantrum to steal users' credentials and other sensitive data by injecting fake SSL certificates to the bogus websites impersonating Social media, e-commerce, and financial websites as well. DETECTING FAKE DIGITAL CERTIFICATES WIDELY A Group of researchers, Lin-Shung Huang , Alex Ricey , Erling Ellingseny and Collin Jackson , from the Carnegie Mellon University in collaboration with Facebook have analyzed [ PDF ] more than 3 million SSL connections and found strong evidence that at least 6;845 (0:2%) of them were in fact tampered with forged certificates i.e. self-signed di...
Snowden's disclosures haven't changed much about Facebook Security

Snowden's disclosures haven't changed much about Facebook Security

Mar 19, 2014
Mark Zuckerberg is continually denying working with the NSA or any other Government Intelligence Agency in serving out data they gathered through extended surveillance, and even he expressed his indignation over the damage the Government is creating for all, on the phone call to the US President Obama . " I've called President Obama to express my frustration over the damage the government is creating for all of our future ," he said in a blog post. Facebook - HTTPS Now, just yesterday morning, Facebook's Chief Security Officer Joe Sullivan sat down whiteboard session on social networks in Silicon Valley headquarters for providing information on the company's security policy diving. The session was conducted after a recent report revealed by The Intercept , suggested the National Security Agency (NSA) may have masqueraded as the social network to infect a number of target's computers, according to Edward Snowden documents. He said, " no one co...
Why You need to Stop using WhatsApp?

Why You need to Stop using WhatsApp?

Feb 24, 2014
If you haven't heard by now, Facebook just made its biggest move ever, buying the messaging service WhatsApp in a deal worth some $19 billion. That's 19 times what Facebook paid for Instagram two years ago. The WhatsApp Service run by the team of just 32 engineers, handles more than 50 Billion messages daily, and approx 385 million active users. WhatsApp acquisition has also brought out fresh criticism over security for the billions of messages delivered on the platform. Security Researcher at Praetorian Labs identified several SSL-related security issues in WhatsApp application using Project Neptune , a mobile application security testing platform. " WhatsApp communication between your phone and our server is fully encrypted. We do not store your chat history on our servers. Once delivered successfully to your phone, chat messages are removed from our system ." Company said in a blog post . But researchers found that WhatsApp is vulnerable to Man-in-theMiddl...
Hackers targeting non-browser applications with Fake SSL Certificates

Hackers targeting non-browser applications with Fake SSL Certificates

Feb 13, 2014
Having SSL Certification doesn't mean that the website you are visiting is not a bogus website. SSL certificates protect web users in two ways, it encrypts sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, or credit card numbers and also verify the identity of websites. But today hackers and cyber criminals are using every tantrum to steal your credentials by injecting fake SSL certificates to the bogus websites impersonating Social media, e-commerce, and even bank website. Netcraft Security Researchers have discovered dozens of fake SSL Certificates being used to enact financial institutions, e-commerce site vendors, Internet Service Providers and social networking sites, which allegedly allows an attacker to carry out man-in-the-middle attacks. When you will visit a bogus website from any popular web browser; having self signed fake SSL Certificate, you will see a foreboding warning in the web browser, but the traffic originates from apps and other non-browser software fail...
98% of SSL enabled websites still using SHA-1 based weak Digital Certificates

98% of SSL enabled websites still using SHA-1 based weak Digital Certificates

Feb 06, 2014
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) had published a document on Jan 2011 that the SHA-1 algorithm will be risky and should be disallowed after year 2013, but it was recently noticed by Netcraft experts that NIST.gov website itself were using 2014 dated SSL certificate with SHA-1 hashes. " From January 1, 2011 through December 31, 2013, the use of SHA-1 is deprecated for digital signature generation. The user must accept risk when SHA-1 is used, particularly when approaching the December 31, 2013 upper limit. SHA-1 shall not be used for digital signature generation after December 31, 2013. " NIST in the document. Digital signatures facilitate the safe exchange of electronic documents by providing a way to test both the authenticity and the integrity of information exchanged digitally. Authenticity means when you sign data with a digital signature, someone else can verify the signature, and can confirm that the data originated from you and was not...
Yahoo Mail turns on HTTPS encryption by default to protect users

Yahoo Mail turns on HTTPS encryption by default to protect users

Jan 09, 2014
After the release of NSA Secret spying over Internet communications, I am expecting from all tech companies to make surveillance significantly harder. Yahoo has HTTPS encryption support since late 2012, but users had to opt in to use the feature. Documents revealed by the Edward Snowden shows that the NSA secretly accessed data from several tech giants, including Yahoo, by intercepting unencrypted Internet traffic in a program called Muscular. As promised back in October 2013,  Yahoo  has finally enabled the HTTPS connections by default for their users, that will now automatically encrypts the connections between users and its email service. Jeff Bonforte , senior vice-president of communication products at Yahoo announced  in a blog post: It is 100% encrypted by default and protected with 2,048 bit certificates. This encryption extends to your emails, attachments, contacts, as well as Calendar and Messenger in Mail. HTTPS by default is really a good news fo...
France Government used Rogue Google SSL Digital Certificates to Spy on users

France Government used Rogue Google SSL Digital Certificates to Spy on users

Dec 11, 2013
Google has found that the French government agency using unauthorized digital certificates  for some of its own domains to perform man-in-the-middle attacks on a private network. Google security engineer Adam Langley described the incident as a "S erious Security breach ", which was discovered in early December. Rogue digital certificates that had been issued by French certificate authority ANSSI, who closely work with the French Defense agency. "In response, we updated Chrome's certificate revocation metadata immediately to block that intermediate CA, and then alerted ANSSI and other browser vendors. Our actions addressed the immediate problem for our users" Google has immediately blocked the misused intermediate certificate and updated Chrome's certificate revocation list to block all dodgy certificates issued by the French authority. In a statement, ANSSI said that the intermediate CA certificate was used to inspect encrypted traffic with the user's knowle...
Facebook implementing Advanced HTTPS to minimize NSA Interception

Facebook implementing Advanced HTTPS to minimize NSA Interception

Jun 29, 2013
For years the National Security Agency has successfully shielded its surveillance programs from any real public scrutiny. There have been a lot of news stories about NSA surveillance programs following the leaks of secret documents by Edward Snowden . We have learned that the NSA is collecting millions of Americans' phone records on a daily basis, that it operates a program called PRISM involving the surveillance of Internet communications, including Email, Facebook posts, and instant messages. The NSA is allowed to record the conversations of non-Americans without a specific warrant for each person monitored, if at least one end of the conversation is outside of the U.S. It is also allowed to record the communications of Americans if they are outside the U.S. and the NSA first gets a warrant for each case. Because Facebook is using outdated Web encryption, which cryptographers say the NSA could penetrate reasonably quickly after intercepting the communicatio...
LinkedIn was not Hacked, suffered outage due to DNS issue

LinkedIn was not Hacked, suffered outage due to DNS issue

Jun 20, 2013
The LinkedIn became inaccessible for an hour last night. Few Hours before App.net co-founder Bryan Berg posted that LinkedIn DNS was hijacked but later LinkedIn confirmed that they suffered outage due to DNS issue, not Hack. DNS Hijacking is an unauthorized modification of a DNS server or change of DNS address that directs users attempting to access a web page to a different web page that looks the same, but contains extra content such as advertisements, is a competitor page, a malware page, or third-party search page. Bryan said," all of your traffic has been sent to a network hosted by this company [confluence-networks.com]. And they don't require SSL, so if you tried to visit, your browser sent your long-lived session cookies in plaintext ." LinkedIn tweeted " Our site is now recovering for some members. We determined it was a DNS issue, we're continuing to work on it. Thanks for your patience, " but provided no further details. LinkedIn DNS hacked ...
Phishers hijacking Facebook Pages using apps

Phishers hijacking Facebook Pages using apps

Mar 08, 2013
Another phishing campaign come in action recently targeting Facebook accounts and company pages with millions of followers. Phishers continue to devise new fake apps for the purpose of harvesting confidential information. Not a new method, but very creative phishing example in Facebook hacking scene, where hacker host a phishing page on Facebook app sub domain itself. Designed very similar to Facebook Security team with title ' Facebook Page Verification ' and using Facebook Security Logo as shown in the screenshot posted above. Phishing app URL: https://apps.facebook.com/verify-pages/ Application hosted on:   https://talksms.co.uk/ The phishing page asking users to enter Page URL and Page Name that victim own and his Facebook login email ID with password. Once victim trapped in hacker web, the phisher records your information. Another interesting fact is that, the phishing domain https://talksms.co.uk/ is a HTTPS site with with verifi...
Make your website Safe for Online Buyers with Qualys SECURE Seal

Make your website Safe for Online Buyers with Qualys SECURE Seal

Oct 23, 2012
The number one concern of Internet users is that a web site will keep personal information safe and secure. If you are a site owner, giving importance to security is not only for your own protection but for your users' as well. Despite you have the right to set contents to your contracts and terms of service, you still have a portion of liabilities in case your user encountered information and financial thefts as he perform activities within your website. E-commerce usually involves the processing of credit cards and sensitive customer information so security is very important. Online communities and ecommerce websites are mostly the target places of hackers. Toward this end, many users look for a website to display a third party seal as evidence of security. Using a web site seal is a good idea. But providing true web site security requires more than just a seal it also requires using several kinds of security controls managed by a security program to back th...
Security weakness in Android App SSL Implementations

Security weakness in Android App SSL Implementations

Oct 19, 2012
The most common approach to protect data during communication on the Android platform is to use the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) or Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols. Thousands of applications in the Google Play market that are using these implementations. A group of researchers including Sascha Fahl, Marian Harbach, Thomas Muders, Matthew Smith from Distributed Computing & Security Group - Leibniz University of Hannover, Hannover, Germany and Lars Baumgärtner, Bernd Freisleben from Department of Math. & Computer Science - Philipps University of Marburg, Marburg, Germany, have presented a paper that  most of these applications contain serious mistakes in the way that SSL/TLS is implemented, that leaving them vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks that could compromise sensitive user data such as banking credentials, credit card numbers and other information. Tests performed on 100 selected apps confirmed that 41 of them were vulnerable to known atta...
Beginner Guide to SSL Certificates

Beginner Guide to SSL Certificates

Oct 17, 2012
The Internet has created many new global business opportunities for enterprises conducting online commerce. However, the many security risks associated with conducting e-commerce have resulted in security becoming a major factor for online success or failure. Whether you are an individual or a company, you should approach online security in the same way that you would approach physical security for your home or business. Not only does it make you feel safer but it also protects people who visit your home, place of business, or website. It is important to understand the potential risks and then make sure you are fully protected against them. In the fast-paced world of technology, it is not always easy to stay abreast of the latest advancements. For this reason it is wise to partner with a reputable Internet security company. Here we have a very cool guide from  Symantec , This guide will de-mystify the technology involved and give you the information you need to ...
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