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Category — SSH
Passwordless AND Keyless: The Future of (Privileged) Access Management

Passwordless AND Keyless: The Future of (Privileged) Access Management

Sep 20, 2024 Privileged Access Management
In IT environments, some secrets are managed well and some fly under the radar. Here's a quick checklist of what kinds of secrets companies typically manage, including one type they should manage: Passwords [x] TLS certificates [x] Accounts [x] SSH keys ??? The secrets listed above are typically secured with privileged access management (PAM) solutions or similar. Yet, most traditional PAM vendors hardly talk about SSH key management. The reason is simple: they don't have the technology to do it properly.  We can prove it. All our SSH key management customers have had a traditional PAM deployed, but they realized that they couldn't manage SSH keys with it. At best, traditional PAMs can discover, let alone manage, 20% of all keys. So, what's the fuss about SSH keys? SSH keys are access credentials in the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol. In many ways, they're just like passwords but functionally different. On top of that, keys tend to outnumber passwords, especially in long-standi
New TeamTNT Cryptojacking Campaign Targets CentOS Servers with Rootkit

New TeamTNT Cryptojacking Campaign Targets CentOS Servers with Rootkit

Sep 19, 2024 Cryptojacking / Cloud Security
The cryptojacking operation known as TeamTNT has likely resurfaced as part of a new campaign targeting Virtual Private Server (VPS) infrastructures based on the CentOS operating system. "The initial access was accomplished via a Secure Shell (SSH) brute force attack on the victim's assets, during which the threat actor uploaded a malicious script," Group-IB researchers Vito Alfano and Nam Le Phuong said in a Wednesday report. The malicious script, the Singaporean cybersecurity company noted, is responsible for disabling security features, deleting logs, terminating cryptocurrency mining processes, and inhibiting recovery efforts. The attack chains ultimately pave the way for the deployment of the Diamorphine rootkit to conceal malicious processes, while also setting up persistent remote access to the compromised host. The campaign has been attributed to TeamTNT with moderate confidence, citing similarities in the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) observed
The Secret Weakness Execs Are Overlooking: Non-Human Identities

The Secret Weakness Execs Are Overlooking: Non-Human Identities

Oct 03, 2024Enterprise Security / Cloud Security
For years, securing a company's systems was synonymous with securing its "perimeter." There was what was safe "inside" and the unsafe outside world. We built sturdy firewalls and deployed sophisticated detection systems, confident that keeping the barbarians outside the walls kept our data and systems safe. The problem is that we no longer operate within the confines of physical on-prem installations and controlled networks. Data and applications now reside in distributed cloud environments and data centers, accessed by users and devices connecting from anywhere on the planet. The walls have crumbled, and the perimeter has dissolved, opening the door to a new battlefield: identity . Identity is at the center of what the industry has praised as the new gold standard of enterprise security: "zero trust." In this paradigm, explicit trust becomes mandatory for any interactions between systems, and no implicit trust shall subsist. Every access request, regardless of its origin,
Rust-Based P2PInfect Botnet Evolves with Miner and Ransomware Payloads

Rust-Based P2PInfect Botnet Evolves with Miner and Ransomware Payloads

Jun 27, 2024 Cryptojacking / Data Protection
The peer-to-peer malware botnet known as P2PInfect has been found targeting misconfigured Redis servers with ransomware and cryptocurrency miners. The development marks the threat's transition from what appeared to be a dormant botnet with unclear motives to a financially motivated operation. "With its latest updates to the crypto miner, ransomware payload, and rootkit elements, it demonstrates the malware author's continued efforts into profiting off their illicit access and spreading the network further, as it continues to worm across the internet," Cado Security said in a report published this week. P2PInfect came to light nearly a year ago, and has since received updates to target MIPS and ARM architectures. Earlier this January, Nozomi Networks uncovered the use of the malware to deliver miner payloads. It typically spreads by targeting Redis servers and its replication feature to transform victim systems into a follower node of the attacker-controlled server
cyber security

The State of SaaS Security 2024 Report

websiteAppOmniSaaS Security / Data Security
Learn the latest SaaS security trends and discover how to boost your cyber resilience. Get your free…
Cybercriminals Weaponizing Open-Source SSH-Snake Tool for Network Attacks

Cybercriminals Weaponizing Open-Source SSH-Snake Tool for Network Attacks

Feb 22, 2024 Network Security / Penetration Testing
A recently open-sourced network mapping tool called  SSH-Snake  has been repurposed by threat actors to conduct malicious activities. "SSH-Snake is a self-modifying worm that leverages SSH credentials discovered on a compromised system to start spreading itself throughout the network," Sysdig researcher Miguel Hernández  said . "The worm automatically searches through known credential locations and shell history files to determine its next move." SSH-Snake was first released on GitHub in early January 2024, and is described by its developer as a "powerful tool" to carry out  automatic network traversal  using SSH private keys discovered on systems. In doing so, it creates a comprehensive map of a network and its dependencies, helping determine the extent to which a network can be compromised using SSH and SSH private keys starting from a particular host. It also supports  resolution of domains  which have multiple IPv4 addresses. "It's comp
New Terrapin Flaw Could Let Attackers Downgrade SSH Protocol Security

New Terrapin Flaw Could Let Attackers Downgrade SSH Protocol Security

Jan 01, 2024 Encryption / Network Security
Security researchers from Ruhr University Bochum have discovered a vulnerability in the Secure Shell ( SSH ) cryptographic network protocol that could allow an attacker to downgrade the connection's security by breaking the integrity of the secure channel. Called  Terrapin  ( CVE-2023-48795 , CVSS score: 5.9), the exploit has been described as the "first ever practically exploitable prefix truncation attack." "By carefully adjusting the sequence numbers during the handshake, an attacker can remove an arbitrary amount of messages sent by the client or server at the beginning of the secure channel without the client or server noticing it," researchers Fabian Bäumer, Marcus Brinkmann, and Jörg Schwenk  said . SSH is a  method  for securely sending commands to a computer over an unsecured network. It relies on cryptography to authenticate and encrypt connections between devices. This is accomplished by means of a handshake in which a client and server agree up
Legion Malware Upgraded to Target SSH Servers and AWS Credentials

Legion Malware Upgraded to Target SSH Servers and AWS Credentials

May 24, 2023 Server Security / Malware
An updated version of the commodity malware called Legion comes with expanded features to compromise SSH servers and Amazon Web Services (AWS) credentials associated with DynamoDB and CloudWatch. "This recent update demonstrates a widening of scope, with new capabilities such the ability to compromise SSH servers and retrieve additional AWS-specific credentials from Laravel web applications," Cado Labs researcher Matt Muir  said  in a report shared with The Hacker News. "It's clear that the developer's targeting of cloud services is advancing with each iteration." Legion, a Python-based hack tool, was  first documented  last month by the cloud security firm, detailing its ability to breach vulnerable SMTP servers in order to harvest credentials. It's also known to exploit web servers running content management systems (CMS), leverage Telegram as a data exfiltration point, and send spam SMS messages to a list of dynamically-generated U.S. mobile num
New ShellBot DDoS Malware Variants Targeting Poorly Managed Linux Servers

New ShellBot DDoS Malware Variants Targeting Poorly Managed Linux Servers

Mar 21, 2023 Linux / Server Security
Poorly managed Linux SSH servers are being targeted as part of a new campaign that deploys different variants of a malware called ShellBot. "ShellBot, also known as  PerlBot , is a DDoS Bot malware developed in Perl and characteristically uses IRC protocol to communicate with the C&C server," AhnLab Security Emergency response Center (ASEC)  said  in a report. ShellBot is installed on servers that have weak credentials, but only after threat actors make use of scanner malware to identify systems that have SSH port 22 open. A list of known SSH credentials is used to initiate a dictionary attack to breach the server and deploy the payload, after which it leverages the Internet Relay Chat ( IRC ) protocol to communicate with a remote server. This encompasses the ability to receive commands that allows ShellBot to carry out DDoS attacks and exfiltrate harvested information. ASEC said it identified three different ShellBot versions – LiGhT's Modded perlbot v2, DDoS
North Korean Hackers Spreading Trojanized Versions of PuTTY Client Application

North Korean Hackers Spreading Trojanized Versions of PuTTY Client Application

Sep 16, 2022
A threat with a North Korea nexus has been found leveraging a "novel spear phish methodology" that involves making use of trojanized versions of the PuTTY SSH and Telnet client. Google-owned threat intelligence firm Mandiant attributed the new campaign to an emerging threat cluster it tracks under the name  UNC4034 . "UNC4034 established communication with the victim over WhatsApp and lured them to download a malicious ISO package regarding a fake job offering that led to the deployment of the AIRDRY.V2 backdoor through a trojanized instance of the PuTTY utility," Mandiant researchers  said . The utilization of fabricated job lures as a pathway for malware distribution is an oft-used tactic by North Korean state-sponsored actors, including the Lazarus Group, as part of an enduring campaign called  Operation Dream Job . The entry point of the attack is an ISO file that masquerades as an Amazon Assessment as part of a potential job opportunity at the tech giant.
New Linux Malware Framework Lets Attackers Install Rootkit on Targeted Systems

New Linux Malware Framework Lets Attackers Install Rootkit on Targeted Systems

Jul 21, 2022
A never-before-seen Linux malware has been dubbed a "Swiss Army Knife" for its modular architecture and its capability to install rootkits. This previously undetected Linux threat, called  Lightning Framework  by Intezer, is equipped with a plethora of features, making it one of the most intricate frameworks developed for targeting Linux systems. "The framework has both passive and active capabilities for communication with the threat actor, including opening up SSH on an infected machine, and a polymorphic malleable command and control configuration," Intezer researcher Ryan Robinson  said  in a new report published today. Central to the malware is a downloader ("kbioset") and a core ("kkdmflush") module, the former of which is engineered to retrieve at least seven different plugins from a remote server that are subsequently invoked by the core component. In addition, the downloader is also responsible for establishing the persistence of t
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