5 Checks You Must Run To Ensure Your Network Is Secure
Jan 10, 2013
Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days each year – it's happening. Whether you are awake or asleep, in a meeting or on vacation, they are out there probing your network, looking for a way in. A way to exploit you; a way to steal your data, a place to store illegal content, a website they can deface, or any of a hundred other ways to mess with you for the simple joy of it all. And they can do this with relative ease, even in an automated fashion, with simple tools that are readily available to all. I'm talking about network scanners. The bad guys use them all day every day to assess networks around the world because a network scanner is one of the easiest and most efficient ways to find the cracks in your armor. If you want to see your network the same way an attacker would, then you want to use a network scanner. Network scanners perform automated tests of systems over the network. They don't require agents or any other software to be installed on the "target"