London Railway System Passwords Exposed During TV Documentary
May 02, 2015
The Weakest Link In the Information Security Chain is still – Humans. And this news has ability to prove this fact Right. One of London's busiest railway stations has unwittingly exposed their system credentials during a BBC documentary. The sensitive credentials printed and attached to the top of a station controller's monitor were aired on Wednesday night on BBC. What could be even worse? If you think that the credentials might have been shown off in the documentary for a while or some seconds, then you are still unaware of the limit of their stupidity. The login credentials were visible for about 44 minute in the BBC documentary " Nick and Margaret: The Trouble with Our Trains " on Wednesday night, which featured Nick Hewer and Margaret Mountford – the two business experts, both famous for their supporting role on The Apprentice. The documentary was available on the YouTube , but have now been removed due to security concerns. While