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Pokémon Go | Breaking Cybersecurity News | The Hacker News

Category — Pokémon Go
Iran Bans Pokémon GO — It's My Way or the Highway!

Iran Bans Pokémon GO — It's My Way or the Highway!

Aug 06, 2016
Pokémon GO has become the world's most popular mobile game since its launch in July, but not everyone loves it. Pokémon GO has officially been banned in Iran. The Iranian High Council of Virtual Spaces – the country's official body that oversees online activity – has prohibited the use of the Pokémon GO app within the country due to unspecified " security concerns, " BBC reports . The Iranian council did not detail why the country has actually banned its citizen from playing the wildly popular game. Although many countries, including Russia and China, have expressed security concerns over the smash hit augmented reality game, Iran has become the first country to introduce an official ban of Pokémon GO. Since its launch, Pokémon GO has officially been released in more than 35 countries so far with over 100 Million downloads and continues to make an estimated $10 Million in daily revenue. Despite strict Internet restrictions in Iran, Pokémon fans have still ...
Pokémon GO Creator's Twitter Account Hacked — Pika, Pikaaaa!

Pokémon GO Creator's Twitter Account Hacked — Pika, Pikaaaa!

Aug 01, 2016
Twitter account of another high-profile CEO has been hacked! This time, it's Niantic CEO John Hanke , the developer behind the world's most popular game Pokémon GO . And it seems like Hanke is so busy with its newly launched game Pokémon GO that he hasn't noticed or took any measures against it even after over 12 hours of the hack, as the tweets made by hackers are still displaying on his Twitter timeline (at the time of writing). OurMine claimed responsibility for the hack, which was spotted after the hacking group managed to post a series of messages on Hanke's Twitter timeline. OurMine is the same group of Saudi Arabian hackers that previously compromised social media accounts of other CEOs including: Google's CEO Sundar Pichai Facebook's CEO Mark Zuckerberg Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Twitter's ex-CEO Dick Costolo Facebook-owned virtual reality company Oculus CEO Brendan Iribe It appears that OurMine managed to post on Hanke's Twi...
What Is Attack Surface Management?

What Is Attack Surface Management?

Feb 03, 2025Attack Surface Management
Attack surfaces are growing faster than security teams can keep up – to stay ahead, you need to know what's exposed and where attackers are most likely to strike. With cloud adoption dramatically increasing the ease of exposing new systems and services to the internet, prioritizing threats and managing your attack surface from an attacker's perspective has never been more important. In this guide, we look at why attack surfaces are growing and how to monitor and manage them properly with  tools like Intruder . Let's dive in. What is your attack surface? First, it's important to understand what we mean when we talk about an attack surface. An attack surface is the sum of your digital assets that are 'reachable' by an attacker – whether they are secure or vulnerable, known or unknown, in active use or not. You can also have both internal and external attack surfaces - imagine for example a malicious email attachment landing in a colleague's inbox, vs a new FTP server being...
Pokémon GO — 6 Important Things You Should Know Before Playing this Game

Pokémon GO — 6 Important Things You Should Know Before Playing this Game

Jul 18, 2016
Pokémon GO launched just two weeks ago, and people have been getting crazy to catch 'em all. Users, on an average, are spending more time engaged with the new Pokémon GO app than any other apps like Snapchat. But, before downloading and playing Nintendo's new location-based augmented reality game, users are required to keep the following points in their minds: 1. Unofficial Pokémon GO app might contain Malware Since Pokémon GO is currently available in only a few countries, many third-party gaming websites are offering tutorials due to huge interest surrounding the app, recommending users to download the APK from a non-Google Play link. Users need to "side-load" the malicious app to install the APK by modifying their Android core security settings, which allows their device's OS to install apps from " untrusted sources ." However, researchers have discovered that many of these online tutorials are linked to malicious versions of the Pokém...
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Uh-Oh! Pokémon GO grants itself 'Full Access' to your Google Account — Fix It NOW

Uh-Oh! Pokémon GO grants itself 'Full Access' to your Google Account — Fix It NOW

Jul 12, 2016
Nintendo's new location-based augmented reality game Pokémon GO has been making rounds since its launch just a few days ago. People are so excited to catch 'em all that brought Nintendo's market-value gains to $7.5 Billion (£5.8 Billion) in just two days – the highest surge since 1983. Due to the huge interest surrounding Pokémon GO, even hackers are using the game's popularity to distribute malicious versions of Pokémon GO that could install DroidJack malware on Android phones, allowing them to compromise user's devices completely. However, the latest threat is related to the privacy concerns raised about the iOS version of the official Pokémon GO app. Pokémon GO – A Huge Security Risk Adam Reeve labeled the game "malware," saying that Pokémon GO is a "huge security risk" as the game, for some reason, grants itself "full account access" to your Google account when you sign into the app via Google on iPhone or iPad. Ye...
Downloading Pokémon GO Game for Android? Beware! It Could be Malicious...

Downloading Pokémon GO Game for Android? Beware! It Could be Malicious...

Jul 11, 2016
" Pokémon Go " has become the hottest iPhone and Android game to hit the market in forever with enormous popularity and massive social impact. The app has taken the world by storm since its launch this week. Nintendo's new location-based augmented reality game allows players to catch Pokémon in the real life using their device's camera and is currently only officially available in the United States, New Zealand, UK and Australia. On an average, users are spending twice the amount of time engaged with the new Pokémon Go app than on apps like Snapchat. In fact Pokémon Go is experiencing massive server overload in just few days of launch. Due to the huge interest surrounding Pokémon Go, many gaming and tutorial websites have offered tutorials recommending users to download the APK from a non-Google Play link. In order to download the APK, users are required to " side-load " the malicious app by modifying their Android core security settings, allowing...
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