Malicious Pinterest browser plugin stealing passwords and spreading spam
Jul 11, 2013
Social networking sites are unfortunately now major interest to malicious cyber criminals, spreading malware and building botnet army to steal money direct from your keyboards. Janne Ahlberg, a security professional from Finland found and analysed an interesting piece of malicious code, offered as browser plugin, and infecting system to steal passwords from user's browser and also modifies the original Pinterest Pins links to spam with malicious links automatically. A diet spam on Pinterest redirecting users to a malicious site with domain name , plausible-looking domain name, like original Pinterest with similar appearance. On page load, it triggers a pop up message to all incoming visitors, offering to download " Pinterest Tool " as shown in screenshots " To continue, install our Pinterest Tool and enjoy more features of our site. " Janne's investigation claims that, this fake site offering a fake malware loaded browser plugin, harvesting passwords from us