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Category — Pakistan Hackers
774 Websites hacked by ZCOMPANY HACKING CREW (ZHC)

774 Websites hacked by ZCOMPANY HACKING CREW (ZHC)

Jun 28, 2011
774 Websites hacked by ZCOMPANY HACKING CREW (ZHC) Pakistani hackers Group " ZCOMPANY HACKING CREW (ZHC)" Hack 774 more websites. They leave a message on every deface page as shown.  The list of hacked sites , mirrors and Message is posted by them on Pastie at  https://pastie.org/2132590
TeaMp0isoN leak Former British PM Tony Blair Data

TeaMp0isoN leak Former British PM Tony Blair Data

Jun 25, 2011
TeaMp0isoN leak Former British PM Tony Blair Data Twitter Become the best place for Hackers to Leak data now and the best part is that , Twitter will never block you for such actions. After Lulzsec, Anonymous .. now Pakistani Hackers Group "TeaMp0isoN" is back with some New leaks. Last time they claim to deface the website of one Lulzsec team member . This time TeaMp0isoN leak data of Former British PM Tony Blair via there Twitter account. The Leak is done via pastebin post , which includes personal information on former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, including the contents of his electronic address book, with contact data for members of Parliament and for what could be Blair's dentist and his mechanic. TeaMp0isoN also tweet that " Tony Blair is a war criminal, he should be locked up. "  The contact list appears to be from when Blair was prime minister and includes a phone number for 10 Downing Street.  According to Hackers " THE INFORMA...
Protecting Your Software Supply Chain: Assessing the Risks Before Deployment

Protecting Your Software Supply Chain: Assessing the Risks Before Deployment

Feb 11, 2025Software Security / Threat Intelligence
Imagine you're considering a new car for your family. Before making a purchase, you evaluate its safety ratings, fuel efficiency, and reliability. You might even take it for a test drive to ensure it meets your needs. The same approach should be applied to software and hardware products before integrating them into an organization's environment. Just as you wouldn't buy a car without knowing its safety features, you shouldn't deploy software without understanding the risks it introduces. The Rising Threat of Supply Chain Attacks Cybercriminals have recognized that instead of attacking an organization head-on, they can infiltrate through the software supply chain—like slipping counterfeit parts into an assembly line. According to the 2024 Sonatype State of the Software Supply Chain report , attackers are infiltrating open-source ecosystems at an alarming rate, with over 512,847 malicious packages detected last year alone—a 156% increase from the previous year. Traditional sec...
150 United Kingdom (.co.uk) Domains Defaced by Bl@ckZero

150 United Kingdom (.co.uk) Domains Defaced by Bl@ckZero

Jun 24, 2011
150 United Kingdom (.co.uk) Domains Defaced by Bl@ckZero Hacked Sites List :  https://pastebin.com/tVVzXMbf Mirrors: Posted on Zone-h, Mirror.sec-t and Legend-h https://zone-h.org/archive/notifier=BL@CKZERO
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Lulzsec member blog hacked by TeaMp0isoN

Lulzsec member blog hacked by TeaMp0isoN

Jun 22, 2011
Lulzsec member blog hacked by TeaMp0isoN Personal Blog https://sven-slootweg.nl/ of one of the Lulzsec Member get defaced by TeaMp0isoN . Get more details about  TeaMp0isoN . BREAKING NEWS: TEH LULZBOAT HAS OFFICALY SANK WITH 100S OF ANON MEMBERS ON BOARD!No matter how many bots you gather, no matter how much people you lie to, no matter how much pre-made tools you use, you will _NEVER_ represent the real hacking scene, we warned you, we told you we do not make empty threats, we gave u 48hrs to secure your ircs yet u failed to do so, instead u posted hashes from public forums and then claimed you doxed us and laughed at the fact that i was 17years old. stop telling yourself that u are hackers, putting a ip into a irc is NOT hacking nor is using pre-made tools and scripts to grab databases… you do not represent the anti-sec movement, u are not allowed to greet underground groups like zf0, ab, h0n0, el8 like your member "AnonSabu" was doing, you will never be apart of the un...
Indishell.net forum Hacked by Pakistan hackers

Indishell.net forum Hacked by Pakistan hackers

Jun 19, 2011
Indishell.net forum Hacked by Pakistan hackers Indian Hackers forum, Indishell.net has been hacked by Pakistani hackers. This is not that orginal Indishell hackers group of India. The domain is somewhere similar to them. Paki Hackers Provide More details here https://pastebin.com/k0XYZQCW .They also dump the  Database https://www.mediafire.com/?fduf6fltqdsv2f0 . Archive password:- pakistan Other mirrors:  https://mirror.sec-t.net/defacements/?id=42923 https://legend-h.org/mirror/180393/indishell.net/
Pakhackerz.com hacked by Indishell and database dumped

Pakhackerz.com hacked by Indishell and database dumped

Jun 18, 2011
Pakhackerz.com hacked by Indishell and database dumped Pakistani Hackers Forum at Pakhackerz.com has been hacked by Indian hackers group " Indishell ". Indishell Release a Message on Pastebin  and also dump the whole database of Pakhackerz.com for download . 
HP computers FTP hacked by HexCoder

HP computers FTP hacked by HexCoder

Jun 17, 2011
HP computers FTP hacked by HexCoder UPDATE : We have verified that this is just a anonymous FTP user access to ftp.hp.com . There is nothing like hack. Pakistani hacker HexCoder may try this to get attention. Anyway the access is available for all with : Host : ftp.hp.com Username : anonymous Password : anonymous Just Now we ( The Hacker News ) got a mail from Pakistani hacker named " HexCoder " . He Claim to hack FTP of HP computers at ftp.hp.com .  Statement about this Hack by Hacker  HexCoder, " I have done this by getting access to FTP successfully.All this by just mere stupidity!Oh and I will not share their database because its too big (9 GB) ". About a month before , ACER hacked because of their own stupidity , and this time HP computers.
United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) Hacked by ZCompany Hacking Crew

United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) Hacked by ZCompany Hacking Crew

Jun 08, 2011
United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) Hacked by ZCompany Hacking Crew   On 6/6/2011 Pakistani hackers group named  ZCompany Hacking Crew deface the official website of  United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) , The Screenshot is as above. Link :  https://unicef.bg/bg Mirror :  https://www.zone-h.org/mirror/id/14163920
Total Exposure - The Hacker News [THN] Magazine - June 2011 | Issue 03

Total Exposure - The Hacker News [THN] Magazine - June 2011 | Issue 03

Jun 06, 2011
Total Exposure - The Hacker News [THN] Magazine - June 2011 | Issue 03 The Hacker News ,June Month Magazine is Released Now ! GET YOUR COPY TODAY. Its our Issue 03 with theme " Total Exposure " . We hope this monthly magazine will keep you update in Cyber World. Content : - Total Exposure - Wikileaks : Exposure in true way - Guide about selecting your Computer Security Consultant - In the Realm of Cyber Breach - Exploit Writers : Challenging Cyber Security - Interview with Team Inj3ct0r - IT Security Incident Management - Interview with Core Anonymous Member : Anony_ops - Exposure of Password secrets of Apple Safari - Sony Hacked , Again hacked & Again Hacked - Hacking News Highlights of the Month - Hackers Toolkits Updates - Security Tool : Buffer Zone Download THN Magazine -- Rar File | PDF file (7.78 Mb) Also Get Previous Issue 01 & 02 here
ACER Hacked : 40,000 Users Data, Source Codes & Server Compromised

ACER Hacked : 40,000 Users Data, Source Codes & Server Compromised

Jun 03, 2011
ACER Hacked : 40,000 Users Data, Source Codes & Server Compromised Update :  THN Report : ACER hacked because of their own stupidity This Week is Really with great UP-DOWNS in Cyber World. Mega hacks like  Sony Pictures hacked ,  Chinese Hacker Cracks 100's of Gmail accounts   , Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) Hacked , 10,000 E-mails of Iranian Government Leaked ,etc etc and lots more... Now here we have the latest Report on Huge Data breach at Server of ACER ( Europe )  acer-euro.com by well know hacking Group " Pakistan Cyber Army ". We got mail from PCA that they successfully hacked the FTP of ACER and Stole around 40,000 Users Data , Various Source Codes stored on server. For the Proof PCA provide some Screenshots of Hack : 1.) User data copied from server   2.) FTP Access on acer-euro.com   3.) 40,000 Customers data Country Wise Here is a  glimpse of  Source code Stealed : Project...
Server with 335 websites got hacked by PakH3X0r

Server with 335 websites got hacked by PakH3X0r

May 31, 2011
Server with 335 websites got hacked by PakH3X0r   An Indian Server with 335 websites has been hacked by PakH3X0r  and all sites get defaced . The list of sites are given at :   https://pastebin.com/BEChkwD9
Delhi University's Control Panel & Fashion TV India's Data Hacked by Moofster

Delhi University's Control Panel & Fashion TV India's Data Hacked by Moofster

May 31, 2011
Delhi University 's Control Panel & Fashion TV India's Data Hacked by Moofster   Delhi University's ( https://placement.du.ac.in/ ) & Fashion TV India's  ( https://ftv.co.in/ )websites are vulnerable to SQL injection. A hacker " Moofster " has been hack the admin panel of  Delhi University's website and He also extract the database of Fashion TV India's website, as shown below :
Shahrukh Khan's upcoming Movie - Ra One Official Website hacked

Shahrukh Khan's upcoming Movie - Ra One Official Website hacked

May 31, 2011
Shahrukh Khan 's upcoming Movie - Ra One Official Website hacked A hacker with name " Seeker " today hacked into the Cpanel of Shahrukh Khan's upcoming Movie - Ra One Official Website and Deface the main page of site as shown below...
T-Series Media Company & Other Domains of T-Series Hacked By ZHC XtreMist

T-Series Media Company & Other Domains of T-Series Hacked By ZHC XtreMist

May 31, 2011
T-Series Media Company & Other Domains of T-Series Hacked By ZHC XtreMist ZHC XtreMist, Hacker group yesterday hack various domains of T-Series Media Company . Such as : https://www.tseries.com/ https://tseriesnew.hungamatech.com/ https://mobiles.tseries.com/ https://webstore.tseries.com/ These websites was got defaced by them, But now company have recover them. You can check mirrors of defaced sites at  https://pastebin.com/s2d10NZT
4 Indian Govt. Websites Hacked By MaDnI [ ZHC ]

4 Indian Govt. Websites Hacked By MaDnI [ ZHC ]

May 30, 2011
4 Indian Govt. Websites Hacked By MaDnI [ ZHC ] 4 Indian Govt. Websites has been Hacked By MaDnI [ ZHC ], Pakistani hacker using Sql Injection Methods.Hacker is able to extract whole database of these following sites: : 1.) https://deosurat.gov.in/ 2.) https://hafed.gov.in 3.) https://hareda.gov.in/ 4.) https://nationallibrary.gov.in/
Cyber Law India Website Hacked By MaDnI [ ZHC ]

Cyber Law India Website Hacked By MaDnI [ ZHC ]

May 29, 2011
Cyber Law India Website Hacked By MaDnI [ ZHC ] MaDnI [ ZHC ] Found sql vuln in Cyber Law India website at https://www.cyberlawonline.in/ , Because of that, he is able to extract whole database of site. MaDnI [ ZHC ] Posted his Hack info on a online text file at  https://pastebin.com/zuWN7jeT
110 more Indian Websites Hacked by ZHC XtReMiSt

110 more Indian Websites Hacked by ZHC XtReMiSt

May 29, 2011
110 more Indian Websites Hacked by ZHC XtReMiSt Hacked Site list :   https://pastebin.com/x6MVjEzv
ICC Twenty20 World Cup 2012 website Hacked !

ICC Twenty20 World Cup 2012 website Hacked !

May 28, 2011
ICC Twenty20 World Cup 2012 website Hacked ! Hacked site link :  https://twenty20worldcup2012.co.in/
9 Pakistani websites hacked By D-f33t Cr3\v/

9 Pakistani websites hacked By D-f33t Cr3\v/

May 25, 2011
9 Pakistani websites hacked By D-f33t Cr3\v/ D-f33t Cr3\v/ an Indian hacker deface 9 websites of Pakistan. The hacked sites listed here :  https://pastebin.com/9Jqnyrkj
DNA-Stuxnet.in Hacked & Database Leaked By Shadow008 (PakCyberArmy)

DNA-Stuxnet.in Hacked & Database Leaked By Shadow008 (PakCyberArmy)

May 23, 2011
DNA-Stuxnet.in Hacked & Database Leaked By Shadow008 (PakCyberArmy) Sites Hacked : https://dna-stuxnet.in/home/ Mirror : https://zone-h.com/mirror/id/14090295 Database BackUp -   https://www.multiupload.com/180BT14ZGK
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