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Category — PHP Framework
New Glutton Malware Exploits Popular PHP Frameworks Like Laravel and ThinkPHP

New Glutton Malware Exploits Popular PHP Frameworks Like Laravel and ThinkPHP

Dec 16, 2024 Malware / Cybercrime
Cybersecurity researchers have discovered a new PHP-based backdoor called Glutton that has been put to use in cyber attacks targeting China, the United States, Cambodia, Pakistan, and South Africa. QiAnXin XLab, which discovered the malicious activity in late April 2024, attributed the previously unknown malware with moderate confidence to the prolific Chinese nation-state group tracked Winnti (aka APT41). "Interestingly, our investigation revealed that Glutton's creators deliberately targeted systems within the cybercrime market," the company said . "By poisoning operations, they aimed to turn the tools of cybercriminals against them – a classic 'no honor among thieves' scenario." Glutton is designed to harvest sensitive system information, drop an ELF backdoor component, and perform code injection against popular PHP frameworks like Baota (BT), ThinkPHP, Yii, and Laravel. The ELF malware also shares "near-complete similarity" with a know...
Commando Cat Cryptojacking Attacks Target Misconfigured Docker Instances

Commando Cat Cryptojacking Attacks Target Misconfigured Docker Instances

Jun 07, 2024 Cryptojacking / Vulnerability
The threat actor known as Commando Cat has been linked to an ongoing cryptojacking attack campaign that leverages poorly secured Docker instances to deploy cryptocurrency miners for financial gain. "The attackers used the cmd.cat/chattr docker image container that retrieves the payload from their own command-and-control (C&C) infrastructure," Trend Micro researchers Sunil Bharti and Shubham Singh said in a Thursday analysis. Commando Cat, so named for its use of the open-source Commando project to generate a benign container, was first documented earlier this year by Cado Security. The attacks are characterized by the targeting of misconfigured Docker remote API servers to deploy a Docker image named cmd.cat/chattr, which is then used as a basis to instantiate a container and break out of its confines using the chroot command, and gain access to the host operating system. The final step entails retrieving the malicious miner binary using a curl or wget command fr...
SOC Analysts - Reimagining Their Role Using AI

SOC Analysts - Reimagining Their Role Using AI

Jan 30, 2025AI Security / SOC Automation
The job of a SOC analyst has never been easy. Faced with an overwhelming flood of daily alerts, analysts (and sometimes IT teams who are doubling as SecOps) must try and triage thousands of security alerts—often false positives—just to identify a handful of real threats. This relentless, 24/7 work leads to alert fatigue, desensitization, and increased risk of missing critical security incidents. Studies show that 70% of SOC analysts experience severe stress, and 65% consider leaving their jobs within a year . This makes retention a major challenge for security teams, especially in light of the existing shortage of skilled security analysts . On the operational side, analysts spend more time on repetitive, manual tasks like investigating alerts, and resolving and documenting incidents than they do on proactive security measures. Security teams struggle with configuring and maintaining SOAR playbooks as the cyber landscape rapidly changes. To top this all off, tool overload and siloed ...
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