New Mirai Okiru Botnet targets devices running widely-used ARC Processors
Jan 15, 2018
The cybersecurity threat landscape has never been more extensive and is most likely to grow exponentially in 2018. Although the original creators of Mirai DDoS botnet have already been arrested and jailed, the variants of the infamous IoT malware are still in the game due to the availability of its source code on the Internet. Security researchers have spotted a new variant of infamous Mirai IoT malware designed to hijack insecure devices that run on ARC embedded processors. Until now, Mirai and its variants have been targeting CPU architectures— including x86, ARM, Sparc, MIPS, PowerPC and Motorola 6800 —deployed in millions of Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Dubbed Okiru , the new Mirai variant, first spotted by @unixfreaxjp from MalwareMustDie team and notified by independent researcher Odisseus , is a new piece of ELF malware that targets ARC-based embedded devices running Linux operating system. " This is the FIRST TIME ever in the history of computer eng