Sensitive server info leaked from Vulnerability
Oct 16, 2012
Kosova Hacker's Security group today release very sensitive server info of " The National Weather Service ", which was gathered due to a " Local file inclusion " Vulnerability in . By definition, Local File Inclusion (also known as LFI) is the process of including files on a server through the web browser. This vulnerability occurs when a page include is not properly sanitized, and allows directory traversal characters to be injected. Hackers publish complete data in a pastebin file uploaded today, but the hack was performed two day back and in meantime, server administrator fix the vulnerability. We just talk with the hacking crew to know the reason of hack and data exposure, one of them explain that they are against US policies, who are targeting muslim countries. " They hack our nuclear plants using STUXNET and FLAME like malwares , they are bombing us 24*7, we can't sit silent - hack to payback them " ...