ImageShack Server and Symantec Database hacked and Dumped
Nov 04, 2012
Hackers hack into ImageShack server and expose all the files online, moreover Antivirus Company Symantec's portal also hacked by them and complete database of all 1000's of researchers dumped in a pastebin File. One of the hacker behind this hack avilable on twitter at @ Doxbin . Hacker expose content of few most important files of the server, like /etc/passwd , /etc/shadow , Content list of ImageShack Web directory (/home/image/www) and many more. Hacker claimed to use some zero day vulnerability in order to get into the server. Whereas in Symantec case, hackers leak complete database from online portal. Database information includes Phone numbers, email, domain, password, Name, Username etc. According to Hackers write up that exploit unknown zero-day bug of ZPanel used by Symantec to get into server. In same operation, hackers target CrytoCC website (https://kerpia.cryt...