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Category — GDPR Compliance
TikTok Pixel Privacy Nightmare: A New Case Study

TikTok Pixel Privacy Nightmare: A New Case Study

Nov 14, 2024 Data Privacy / Compliance
Advertising on TikTok is the obvious choice for any company trying to reach a young market, and especially so if it happens to be a travel company, with 44% of American Gen Zs saying they use the platform to plan their vacations. But one online travel marketplace targeting young holidaymakers with ads on the popular video-sharing platform broke GDPR rules when a third-party partner misconfigured a TikTok pixel on one of its regional sites. An intriguing new case study reveals how the cyber security company that discovered the problem stopped a data breach from becoming a costly flood.  For the full case study, click here .  Dangers Close to Home Cyberattacks often make the headlines because hacking is a natural attention-grabber. The groups behind the attacks seem like modern-day highwaymen, shadowy figures who can rob countless victims from behind a mask of anonymity. Faceless criminals like these will always grab readers' attention, and while this is understandable, we'...
New Case Study: Unmanaged GTM Tags Become a Security Nightmare

New Case Study: Unmanaged GTM Tags Become a Security Nightmare

Jun 19, 2024 GDPR Compliance / Data Privacy
Are your tags really safe with Google Tag Manager? If you've been thinking that using GTM means that your tracking tags and pixels are safely managed , then it might be time to think again. In this article we look at how a big-ticket seller that does business on every continent came unstuck when it forgot that you can't afford to allow tags to go unmanaged or become misconfigured.  Read the full case study here . Google Tag Manager saves website owners time and money. Its visual interface lets them attach tracking tags to their sites and then modify them as needed without the need to call a developer every time. Such tags gather the marketing and analytics data that power growth, and GTM makes them easier to manage, but with strict rules around data privacy to consider, you can't trust it completely; it needs active oversight. The ticket seller A case in point that we recently became aware of involves a global company that sells tickets to live events. With global operations i...
SOC Analysts - Reimagining Their Role Using AI

SOC Analysts - Reimagining Their Role Using AI

Jan 30, 2025AI Security / SOC Automation
The job of a SOC analyst has never been easy. Faced with an overwhelming flood of daily alerts, analysts (and sometimes IT teams who are doubling as SecOps) must try and triage thousands of security alerts—often false positives—just to identify a handful of real threats. This relentless, 24/7 work leads to alert fatigue, desensitization, and increased risk of missing critical security incidents. Studies show that 70% of SOC analysts experience severe stress, and 65% consider leaving their jobs within a year . This makes retention a major challenge for security teams, especially in light of the existing shortage of skilled security analysts . On the operational side, analysts spend more time on repetitive, manual tasks like investigating alerts, and resolving and documenting incidents than they do on proactive security measures. Security teams struggle with configuring and maintaining SOAR playbooks as the cyber landscape rapidly changes. To top this all off, tool overload and siloed ...
Italian Data Protection Watchdog Accuses ChatGPT of Privacy Violations

Italian Data Protection Watchdog Accuses ChatGPT of Privacy Violations

Jan 30, 2024 Generative AI / Data Privacy
Italy's data protection authority (DPA) has notified ChatGPT-maker OpenAI of supposedly violating privacy laws in the region. "The available evidence pointed to the existence of breaches of the provisions contained in the E.U. GDPR [General Data Protection Regulation]," the Garante per la protezione dei dati personali (aka the Garante)  said  in a statement on Monday. It also said it will "take account of the work in progress within the ad-hoc  task force  set up by the European Data Protection Framework (EDPB) in its final determination on the case." The development comes nearly 10 months after the watchdog imposed a  temporary ban  on ChatGPT in the country, weeks after which OpenAI  announced  a number of privacy controls, including an  opt-out form  to remove one's personal data from being processed by the large language model (LLM). Access to the tool was subsequently reinstated in late April 2023. The Italian DPA said the lat...
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Practical, Tactical Guide to Securing AI in the Enterprise

websiteTinesEnterprise Security / AI Security
Supercharge your organization's AI adoption strategy, and go from complex challenges to secure success.
Strengthen Your Password Policy With GDPR Compliance

Strengthen Your Password Policy With GDPR Compliance

Jun 17, 2021
A solid password policy is the first line of defense for your corporate network. Protecting your systems from unauthorized users may sound easy on the surface, but it can actually be quite complicated. You have to balance password security with usability, while also following various regulatory requirements. Companies in the EU must have password policies that are compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Even if your company isn't based in the EU, these requirements apply if you have employees or customers residing in the EU or customers purchasing there. In this post, we will look at GDPR requirements for passwords and provide practical tips on how to design your password policy. Remember, even if GDPR isn't required for you now, the fundamentals of a data protection regulation plan can help strengthen your organization's security.  Password requirements for GDPR compliance You may be surprised to discover that the GDPR laws do not actually mentio...
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