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Category — Free Online Game
Critical Flaw in All Blizzard Games Could Let Hackers Hijack Millions of PCs

Critical Flaw in All Blizzard Games Could Let Hackers Hijack Millions of PCs

Jan 23, 2018
A Google security researcher has discovered a severe vulnerability in Blizzard games that could allow remote attackers to run malicious code on gamers' computers. Played every month by half a billion users—World of Warcraft, Overwatch, Diablo III, Hearthstone and Starcraft II are popular online games created by Blizzard Entertainment . To play Blizzard games online using web browsers, users need to install a game client application, called ' Blizzard Update Agent ,' onto their systems that run JSON-RPC server over HTTP protocol on port 1120, and " accepts commands to install, uninstall, change settings, update and other maintenance related options. " Google's Project Zero team researcher Tavis Ormandy discovered that the Blizzard Update Agent is vulnerable to a hacking technique called the " DNS Rebinding " attack that allows any website to act as a bridge between the external server and your localhost. Just last week, Ormandy revealed a simi...
Gamer Drugged His Girlfriend So He Could Play Xbox for a Few More Hours

Gamer Drugged His Girlfriend So He Could Play Xbox for a Few More Hours

Jul 12, 2015
Yes, you heard it right. A gamer drugged his girlfriend to avoid interruption while playing on his Microsoft's Xbox Live . The 23-year-old German man, who has not been named, was fined EUR€500 (approx USD$555) by a judge in a Castrop-Rauxel district court, German website The Local reports . The man admitted in front of judge that he put between four and five drops of a sedative in his girlfriend's tea to make her fall asleep, so he could keep playing the video game on his console. His girlfriend fell asleep for more than 12 hours and wake up midday on the next day, but even after waking up she felt constantly drowsy.  "Then I got up and drove to work although I was nodding off again and again," the victim told. Girlfriends Broke-Up with her Boyfriend The offender's girlfriend, 24, broke up with her now-ex-boyfriend after he did this to her. Sentencing the man, the court judge said: "Your girlfriend slept long and deeply, wh...
SOC Analysts - Reimagining Their Role Using AI

SOC Analysts - Reimagining Their Role Using AI

Jan 30, 2025AI Security / SOC Automation
The job of a SOC analyst has never been easy. Faced with an overwhelming flood of daily alerts, analysts (and sometimes IT teams who are doubling as SecOps) must try and triage thousands of security alerts—often false positives—just to identify a handful of real threats. This relentless, 24/7 work leads to alert fatigue, desensitization, and increased risk of missing critical security incidents. Studies show that 70% of SOC analysts experience severe stress, and 65% consider leaving their jobs within a year . This makes retention a major challenge for security teams, especially in light of the existing shortage of skilled security analysts . On the operational side, analysts spend more time on repetitive, manual tasks like investigating alerts, and resolving and documenting incidents than they do on proactive security measures. Security teams struggle with configuring and maintaining SOAR playbooks as the cyber landscape rapidly changes. To top this all off, tool overload and siloed ...
Free Online Game website offers $13,000 Reward to expose details on DDoS attack

Free Online Game website offers $13,000 Reward to expose details on DDoS attack

Feb 20, 2014
Currently there are more than Million people worldwide playing Windows Games, Computer Games and Online Video Games, at least an hour a day, but the gaming servers are often insecure and misconfigured. Yesterday, a popular multiplayer Free Online Game ' Wurm ' servers were knocked offline by Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack. Servers were targeted shortly after its most recent update. The Online Game company announced a Bounty Reward of  €10,000  ($13,000) for information about the attacker involved in the recent DDOS attack .  As the gaming servers go down, the company will lose gamers, reputation and revenue. The Wurn Online Game developer said: " We can offer 10,000 Euro for any tips or evidence leading to a conviction of the person responsible for this attack. " Free Online Game service was already planning to change the server, but the DDoS attack made the gaming application offline for more than a day. " Shortly after todays update we wer...
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