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Category — Find my iPhone
Lost Your Phone? Google Search 'Find My Phone' To Locate It

Lost Your Phone? Google Search 'Find My Phone' To Locate It

Apr 17, 2015
How many of you have an issue to forget your mobile phones? I guess, most of us. Sometimes in our homes, sometimes in our offices, sometimes in our cars and sometimes we even don't remember the exact place where we left our phones.  Now, Finding your phone is as simple as searching something on Google ... Instead of searching your phone everywhere, just ask Google where your phone is, and the search engine giant will answer you the exact place where you left your smartphone.  Sound's interesting! Google unveiled a new feature on Wednesday that lets you search for your Android smartphone or tablet using the search engine on your desktop computer. How does it work? Log-in to the same Google account on your desktop computer's browser that you use on your Android smartphone, but before that make sure you must have the latest version of the Google app installed on your smartphone. Now type " Find my phone " into Google's search engine, a...
Apple Patches 'Find My iPhone' Vulnerability Which May Caused Celebrities Photo Leak

Apple Patches 'Find My iPhone' Vulnerability Which May Caused Celebrities Photo Leak

Sep 04, 2014
Apple has patched the security flaw in its Find My iPhone online service that may have allowed hackers to get access to a number of celebrities' private pictures leaked online. OVER 100 CELEBRITIES AFFECTED So far, I hope everybody have heard about probably the biggest digital exposure of personal nude photographs belonging to as many as 100 high-profile celebrities, including Jenny McCarthy, Kristin Dunst, Mary E Winstead, and the Oscar winning actress Jennifer Lawrence and Kate Upton. Initial reports suggested that the privacy breach of the celebrities' iCloud accounts was made possible by a vulnerability in Find My iPhone feature that allowed hackers to allegedly take nude photographs of celebrities from their Apple iCloud backups. Anonymous 4chan users who claims to have grabbed images, posted some of the images to the " b " forum on notorious bulletin-board 4chan, where the owners demanded Bitcoin in exchange for a peek of the images. The anonymous 4c...
RDP: a Double-Edged Sword for IT Teams – Essential Yet Exploitable

RDP: a Double-Edged Sword for IT Teams – Essential Yet Exploitable

Feb 28, 2025Network Security / Endpoint Security
Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) is an amazing technology developed by Microsoft that lets you access and control another computer over a network. It's like having your office computer with you wherever you go. For businesses, this means IT staff can manage systems remotely, and employees can work from home or anywhere, making RDP a true game-changer in today's work environment. But here's the catch: because RDP is accessible over the internet, it's also a prime target for unethical hackers. If someone gains unauthorized access, they could potentially take over your system. That's why it's so important to secure RDP properly. Why IT Teams Depend on RDP, Despite the Risks More than 50 percent of Kaseya's small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) and Managed Service Providers (MSPs) customers use RDP for daily operations due to its efficiency and flexibility: Reduces Costs and Downtime – IT teams can resolve technical issues remotely, eliminating travel expenses and delays. Supports B...
Apple Devices Hacked by 'Oleg Pliss', held to Ransom

Apple Devices Hacked by 'Oleg Pliss', held to Ransom

May 27, 2014
From last few years Ransomware malwares are targeting Windows users Worldwide and experts predicted that it was just a matter of time until ransomware would hit mobile devices and other Desktop operating systems like Mac, iOS, Android etc. A Few weeks back we reported about a Ransomware malware campaign which is targeting Android mobile users. Such Malware first try to trick users into downloading it and then demanding payment to restore user control of the device. This morning reports came out that cybercriminals have targeted a large number of users of Apple's iCloud connected devices with a sophisticated Ransomware in Australia. The owners of iPhone , Mac and iPads are finding their devices locked remotely through iCloud and a message originating in Apple's find my device service that states " Device hacked by Oleg Pliss ". One user wrote on Apple Support Forum, " I went to check my phone and there was a message on the screen (it's ...
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Disabling 'Find My iPhone' on iOS 7 without any Password

Disabling 'Find My iPhone' on iOS 7 without any Password

Apr 05, 2014
iOS devices have a feature called ' Find My iPhone ', allows device owner to locate their stolen devices using linked Apple ID with iCloud Account. Unfortunately, a security flaw in iOS make it possible to turn off Find My iPhone without a password and enabled thieves to bypass the protection which makes the iPhone  untraceable if lost or stolen. To Set-Up ' Find My iPhone ' feature, users need to link their Apple ID with it and this will not only helps in locating the device but also gives permission to its user to remove all the data, drive direction to the lost device, lock the device by a passcode and displays a custom message on the locked screen. KILL 'Find My iPhone' WITHOUT APPLE PASSWORD Normally, disabling Find My iPhone requires Apple ID password, but according to the vulnerability reported by  Miguel Alvarado,  a thief can bypass all of this security feature without knowing your Apple account's password . In a video demons...
iOS vulnerability allows to disable 'Find My iPhone' without password

iOS vulnerability allows to disable 'Find My iPhone' without password

Feb 09, 2014
Smartphone manufacturers are adding ways for owners to track and manage their phones if they ever get lost or stolen. Find My iPhone is a service that comes with every iOS device that allows you to track your iPhone, whether it was lost or stolen. Normally, the iPhone requires a password if you want to deactivate " Find My iPhone ", but it isn't entirely perfect and thieves are now smart enough to disable ' Find My iPhone ' on devices running iOS 7.0.4 and lower version, without having to enter a password. The exploit was discovered and demonstrated security researcher ' Bradley Williams ' and performing a successful bypass means you won't be able to locate, make sound and wipe out. The vulnerability could put the devices at risk, and the exploitation method involves a few simple steps that involve making changes in the iCloud settings, even if they don't know the password. Steps to hack 'Find My iPhone': Navigate to iCloud in the settin...
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