Facebook To Use Your Web Browsing History for Targeted Ads, Here's How To Opt-Out Now
Jun 14, 2014
Surfing the Internet?? Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is watching your every move on Web, and this time even more closure. It's not surprising that Facebook collects data of its 1.3 billion users, just like everyone else, which the company has said it only holds onto your data for security and advertisement purposes. But, this would be first time when some company is using people's browsing history to deliver 'targeted Ads' on its service. The biggest social networking giant recently announced it has plans to use information from our Web browsing and app history to deliver more targeted advertisements to us. HOW IT WORKS The move will track you with every site you visit, even its a non-Facebook website. EVERY SITE?? No! No! No! The company can't track your online activity while visiting any website, but only those that have Facebook " LIKE ", " Recommend ", " Share " buttons across the web, and I think almost all have at least one included in it. Yes! Any web