'DarkLeaks' Black Market — Anonymously Selling Secrets for Bitcoins
Feb 20, 2015
An all new anonymous online underground black market website, DarkLeaks , has been introduced on the Internet where Whistleblowers, blackmailers, hackers and any individual can trade/sell sensitive and valuable data/secrets anonymously in exchange for Bitcoin payments . DarkLeaks is a decentralized underground blackmarket which is built on top of the Bitcoin Blockchain technology and is available on the Internet to download as a free software package together with its source code published openly on code-sharing site Github . TRADE INFORMATION ANONYMOUSLY DarkLeaks underground black market website is masterminded by the members of crypto-anarchist collective System. " There is no identity, no central operator and no interaction between leaker and buyers, " the developers' statement says. " DarkLeaks is a decentralized black market where you can sell information ," according to the blog post about the new site. " It has a mechanism for trust-less authent