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Category — CybeReady
The 5 Cornerstones for an Effective Cyber Security Awareness Training

The 5 Cornerstones for an Effective Cyber Security Awareness Training

Nov 28, 2022
It's not news that phishing attacks are getting more complex and happening more often. This year alone, APWG reported a record-breaking total of  1,097,811 phishing attacks.  These attacks continue to target organizations and individuals to gain their sensitive information.  The hard news:  they're often successful, have a long-lasting negative impact on your organization and employees, including: Loss of Money Reputation damage Loss of Intellectual property Disruptions to operational activities Negative effect on company culture The harder news:  These often could have been easily avoided. Phishing, educating your employees, and creating a cyber awareness culture? These are topics we're sensitive to and well-versed in. So, how can you effectively protect your organization against phishing attempts? These best practices will help transform your employees' behavior and build organizational resilience to phishing attacks.  Source: APWG Plan for t...
5 Ways to Mitigate Your New Insider Threats in the Great Resignation

5 Ways to Mitigate Your New Insider Threats in the Great Resignation

Sep 15, 2022
Companies are in the midst of an employee  "turnover tsunami"  with no signs of a slowdown.  According to Fortune Magazine,  40% of the U.S. is considering quitting their jobs. This trend – coined the great resignation - creates instability in organizations. High employee turnover increases security risks, and companies are more vulnerable to attacks from human factors worldwide.  At  Davos 2022 , statistics connect the turmoil of the great resignation to the rise of new insider threats. Security teams are feeling the impact. It's even harder to keep up with your employee security. Companies need a fresh approach to close the gaps and prevent attacks. This article will examine what your security teams must do within the new organizational dynamics to quickly and effectively address unique challenges. Handling Your New Insider Threats  Implementing a successful security awareness program is more challenging than ever for your security team—the new b...
Navigating the Future: Key IT Vulnerability Management Trends

Navigating the Future: Key IT Vulnerability Management Trends 

Feb 11, 2025Vulnerability / Threat Detection
As the cybersecurity landscape continues to evolve, proactive vulnerability management has become a critical priority for managed service providers (MSPs) and IT teams. Recent trends indicate that organizations increasingly prioritize more frequent IT security vulnerability assessments to identify and address potential security flaws. Staying informed on these trends can help MSPs and IT teams remain one step ahead of potential cyber-risks. The Kaseya Cybersecurity Survey Report 2024 navigates this new frontier of cyber challenges. The data is clear: Organizations are becoming increasingly reliant on vulnerability assessments and plan to prioritize these investments in 2025. Companies are increasing the frequency of vulnerability assessments  In 2024, 24% of respondents said they conduct vulnerability assessments more than four times per year, up from 15% in 2023. This shift highlights a growing recognition of the need for continuous monitoring and quick response to emerging t...
Three Common Mistakes That May Sabotage Your Security Training

Three Common Mistakes That May Sabotage Your Security Training

Aug 04, 2022
Phishing incidents are on the rise. A report from IBM shows that phishing was the most popular attack vector in 2021, resulting in one in five employees falling victim to phishing hacking techniques. The Need for Security Awareness Training  Although technical solutions protect against phishing threats, no solution is 100% effective . Consequently, companies have no choice but to involve their employees in the fight against hackers. This is where security awareness training comes into play.  Security awareness training gives companies the confidence that their employees will execute the right response when they discover a phishing message in their inbox. As the saying goes, "knowledge is power," but the effectiveness of knowledge depends heavily on how it is delivered. When it comes to phishing attacks, simulations are among the most effective forms of training because the events in training simulations directly mimic how an employee would react in the event of an actu...
cyber security

Webinar: 5 Ways New AI Agents Can Automate Identity Attacks | Register Now

websitePush SecurityAI Agents / Identity Security
Watch how Computer-Using Agents can be used by attackers to automate account takeover and exploitation.
The Guide to Automating Security Training for Lean Security Teams

The Guide to Automating Security Training for Lean Security Teams

Dec 16, 2021
Cyber threats used to be less threatening. While nobody wants their customers' credit card numbers stolen in a data breach, or to see a deranged manifesto plastered over their company website, such incidents can almost seem quaint compared to ransomware attacks that bring all of your critical information systems to a dead halt. The frequency of these attacks  increased more than 150% in the U.S. last year, and in 2021 their global cost is expected to reach $20 billion. Effective, comprehensive security training is essential to mitigating these threats, many of which originate with low-profile phishing or malware attacks to get a foot in the door—attacks that can target anyone who works in your organization. A company's employees are the front line of defense against cyberattacks, and canned training videos and short quizzes are rarely sufficient to prepare them for this responsibility. The trouble with good training is that it takes not just expertise but time and other reso...
How to Build a Security Awareness Training Program that Yields Measurable Results

How to Build a Security Awareness Training Program that Yields Measurable Results

Nov 18, 2021
Organizations have been worrying about cyber security since the advent of the technological age. Today, digital transformation coupled with the rise of remote work has made the need for security awareness all the more critical. Cyber security professionals are continuously thinking about how to prevent cyber security breaches from happening, with employees and contractors often proving to be the most significant risk factor for causing cyber security incidents. Proactive cyber security professionals will find that an effective security awareness training program can significantly reduce their risk of getting exposed to a cyber incident. For a security awareness training program to be successful, it must be measurable and yield positive, actionable results over time.  The following looks at what good security awareness looks like and how vital  phishing simulations and awareness training  is in devising effective  cyber security programs.  The essentials of ...
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