The 5 Cornerstones for an Effective Cyber Security Awareness Training
Nov 28, 2022
It's not news that phishing attacks are getting more complex and happening more often. This year alone, APWG reported a record-breaking total of 1,097,811 phishing attacks. These attacks continue to target organizations and individuals to gain their sensitive information. The hard news: they're often successful, have a long-lasting negative impact on your organization and employees, including: Loss of Money Reputation damage Loss of Intellectual property Disruptions to operational activities Negative effect on company culture The harder news: These often could have been easily avoided. Phishing, educating your employees, and creating a cyber awareness culture? These are topics we're sensitive to and well-versed in. So, how can you effectively protect your organization against phishing attempts? These best practices will help transform your employees' behavior and build organizational resilience to phishing attacks. Source: APWG Plan for t...