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Category — Bitcoin BlockChain Network
BlockChain.info Domain Hijacked; Site Goes Down; 8 Million Bitcoin Wallets Inaccessible

BlockChain.info Domain Hijacked; Site Goes Down; 8 Million Bitcoin Wallets Inaccessible

Oct 12, 2016
UPDATE: The site is back and working. Blockchain team released a statement via Twitter, which has been added at the end of this article. If you are fascinated with the idea of digital currency, then you might have heard about BlockChain.Info. It's Down! Yes, Blockchain.info, the world's most popular Bitcoin wallet and Block Explorer service, has been down from last few hours, and it's believed that a possible cyber attack has disrupted the site. The site is down at the time of writing, and the web server reports a bad gateway error, with a message on the website that reads: "Looks like our site is down. We're working on it and should be back up soon." With more than 8 million Digital Wallet customers, BlockChain is users' favorite destination to see recent transactions, stats on mined blocks and bitcoin economy charts. A few hours ago, BlockChain team tweeted about the sudden breakdown of the site, saying: "We're researching a DNS...
Nasdaq to Use Bitcoin-style Blockchain to Record Shareholder Votes

Nasdaq to Use Bitcoin-style Blockchain to Record Shareholder Votes

Feb 13, 2016
The Nasdaq stock exchange and the Republic of Estonia have announced the use of Blockchain-based technology to allow shareholders of companies to e-vote in shareholder meetings even when they're abroad, according to Nasdaq's press release. Global stock market giant is developing an electronic shareholder voting system implemented on the top of Blockchain technology that underpins Bitcoins . Blockchain – the public and decentralized ledger technology underpins all Bitcoin transactions and logs each transfer of an asset in an encrypted "block" that is added to a permanent, transparent chain showing every deal associated with that asset. Even some of the world's major banks are also considering the adoption of the Blockchain technology. In the mid of last year, 9 of the World's renowned Banks, including JPMorgan, Royal Bank of Scotland, Goldman Sachs and Barclays , collaborated with New York-based financial tech firm R3 to create a new fram...
Don't Overlook These 6 Critical Okta Security Configurations

Don't Overlook These 6 Critical Okta Security Configurations

Feb 10, 2025Identity Security / Data Protection
Given Okta's role as a critical part of identity infrastructure, strengthening Okta security is essential. This article covers six key Okta security settings that provide a strong starting point, along with recommendations for implementing continuous monitoring of your Okta security posture. With over 18,000 customers, Okta serves as the cornerstone of identity governance and security for organizations worldwide. However, this prominence has made it a prime target for cybercriminals who seek access to valuable corporate identities, applications, and sensitive data. Recently, Okta warned its customers of an increase in phishing social engineering attempts to impersonate Okta support personnel. Given Okta's role as a critical part of identity infrastructure, strengthening Okta security is essential. This article covers six key Okta security settings that provide a strong starting point, along with how continuous monitoring of your Okta security posture helps you avoid miscon...
Kim Dotcom's Decentralized Internet — For You, Powered By You

Kim Dotcom's Decentralized Internet — For You, Powered By You

Nov 03, 2015
Imagine the internet that would offer you to communicate privately with anyone else without censorship, safe from the prying eyes of surveillance authorities…. … Decentralized, Encrypted, Peer-to-Peer Supported and especially a non-IP Address based Internet. Yeah, a New Private Internet that would be harder to get Hacked. This Internet is a dream of all Internet users today and, of course, Kim Dotcom – the Famous Internet entrepreneur who introduced legendary Megaupload and MEGA file sharing services to the World. Kim Dotcom announced plans to start his very own private internet at the beginning of this year and has now revealed more details about MegaNet — a decentralized, non-IP based network that would share data via " Blockchains ," the technology behind Bitcoins. On Thursday, Dotcom remotely addressed a conference in Sydney, Australia, where he explained how MegaNet will utilize the power of mobile phones and laptops to operate. How will M...
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'Bitcoin is Now Officially a Commodity' — US Regulator Declared

'Bitcoin is Now Officially a Commodity' — US Regulator Declared

Sep 21, 2015
Bitcoins are making their way, in Bits and Pieces. In a recent report The Hacker News (THN) had mentioned about banks adopting the Blockchain Technology from Bitcoins ; to create a safe and secure distributed ledger. Now, last week U.S. Commodity Future Trading Commission (CFTC) , has added Bitcoins and other virtual currencies to the commodities basket which previously includes Gold, Crude Oil, foreign exchange, and Stocks. CFTC is an oversight committee of the USA, established to protect the interest of the people who have invested in any of the commodities by ensuring the conduct of no malpractices. The commodity swaps are working according to the Commodity Exchange Act (CEA). BITCOIN - Commodity for the Conduct of Trade Implying which now the Bitcoins and other virtual currencies, considered as cryptocurrency earlier, are now known as commodities for the conduct of trade. Moreover, after being tagged as a commodity and making its entry into CEA by...
World's 9 Biggest Banks to adopt Bitcoin's Blockchain Technology

World's 9 Biggest Banks to adopt Bitcoin's Blockchain Technology

Sep 17, 2015
The Existing Infrastructure used by Financial institutions like Banks is Archaic, Slow, and Costly, with hardly any innovation in the past three decades. Nine of the World's renowned Banks, including JPMorgan , Royal Bank of Scotland , Goldman Sachs and Barclays , are collaborating with New York-based financial tech firm R3 to create a new framework based on Bitcoin's Blockchain. Yes, they are back in the game yet again, but this time officially! Blockchain — the public and decentralized ledger technology that underpins all Bitcoin transactions has been now recognized as " the future for financial services infrastructure ". The blockchain technology is a way of keeping records by listing the owner's name with all the previous and present transaction the client was involved. It is a public ledger where a list of all the transactions ever executed is maintained. The Banks are planning to develop and implement Blockchain-like Technology where distributed/shared ...
‘DarkLeaks’ Black Market — Anonymously Selling Secrets for Bitcoins

'DarkLeaks' Black Market — Anonymously Selling Secrets for Bitcoins

Feb 20, 2015
An all new anonymous online underground black market website, DarkLeaks , has been introduced on the Internet where Whistleblowers, blackmailers, hackers and any individual can trade/sell sensitive and valuable data/secrets anonymously in exchange for Bitcoin payments . DarkLeaks is a decentralized underground blackmarket which is built on top of the Bitcoin Blockchain technology and is available on the Internet to download as a free software package together with its source code published openly on code-sharing site Github . TRADE INFORMATION ANONYMOUSLY DarkLeaks underground black market website is masterminded by the members of crypto-anarchist collective System. " There is no identity, no central operator and no interaction between leaker and buyers, " the developers' statement says. " DarkLeaks is a decentralized black market where you can sell information ," according to the blog post about the new site. " It has a mechanism for trust-less authent...
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