'The Hacker News' Celebrating 2nd Birthday
Oct 28, 2012
One of the most awaited occasions in a year is your birthday, same way we are today celebrating ' The Hacker News ' 2nd Birthday week from on 28th October-3rd November 2012. Originally founded on 1st November 2010 by Mohit Kumar , ' The Hacker News ' was the very First dedicated Hacking and Security News website available on Internet, Now been internationally recognized as a leading news source dedicated to promoting awareness for security experts and hackers. We are happy to announce that this project is now Supported and endorsed by thousands of Security Experts, administrators and members of various underground hacking groups and communities worldwide. With the need for information security solutions becoming more critical, In these two years we served updates to over 30 Million Readers through various projects including Daily happenings of Hacking & Security community via The Hacker News , A most comprehensive and inf...