Not Your Old ActiveState: Introducing our End-to-End OS Platform
Dec 18, 2024
Software Security / DevSecOps
Having been at ActiveState for nearly eight years, I've seen many iterations of our product. However, one thing has stayed true over the years: Our commitment to the open source community and companies using open source in their code. ActiveState has been helping enterprises manage open source for over a decade. In the early days, open source was in its infancy. We focused mainly on the developer case, helping to get open source on platforms like Windows. Over time, our focus shifted from helping companies run open source to supporting enterprises managing open source when the community wasn't producing it in the way they needed it. We began managing builds at scale, and supporting enterprises in understanding what open source they're using and if it's compliant and safe. Managing open source at scale in a large organization can be complex. To help companies overcome this and bring structure to their open source DevSecOps practice, we're unveiling our end-to-end platform to help m...