The Hacker News"JavaSnoop is a tool that lets you intercept methods, alter data and otherwise hack Java applications running on your computer."

This is the change log for the current release:
  • Added granular logging on the agent (still controlled by the main UI menu)
  • Fixed Jython/BeanShell bug (had to remove scripting jars from bootclasspath and add them to the system classpath at runtime with Instrumentation class)
  • Added scripting capability in the Scripting Console in Jython/BeanShell
  • Fixed other random small bugs
  • Added three new Action menu features "Force classes…" (asks target process to load specific classes so that JavaSnoop can parse them for serialization/de-serialization later) and "Synchronize" classes to update JavaSnoop on the classes that have been loaded since attaching, and finally "Agent debugging", which toggles whether agent messages should go to System.out
  • Removed static fields from showing up in the edit object view
  • Multiple big performance enhancements, including bytecode caching and javassist compilation speedup, among others
  • Re-implemented some of XStream's private code in serialization process due to the fact that we need XStream to use our special ClassLoader
  • Introducing PowerShell script for starting JavaSnoop
Download JavaSnoop-1.0 FINAL here.
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