After Google and Bing, Blekko, a new search engine, has officially opened its doors to welcome us. Developers guarantee accurate search results while leaving behind spammers. Results are displayed from high
quality sites with rich content. The intelligent search engine, Blekko, displays search results on a simple tool called a Slashtag.
Slash tags can be added to search queries while displaying a limited set of search. Blekko has been unveiled to public in a beta version. The search engine also automatically applies Slashtags to bring in improved results in categories such as:
1. Health
2. Autos
3. Personal Finance
4. Colleges
5. Lyrics
6. Hotels
7. Recipe….etc.
The user is given a drop down menu type feature after a word is
punched in the search pane. For example., searching for 'Apple', the
drop down menu displays:

News Submitted by : Shi3ld Cod3r
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